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Posts posted by peter

  1. having on or more starting factions which everyone is part of when they start (with option to leave to create your own company) could make things much more easy when first playing this game...

    - private storage
    - destroy buildings (there always bad actors)

    also would be great to have some in game options for joining/request-to-join companies

  2. 2 minutes ago, Kita Kayo said:

    Yea that seems fair. The skills look like an early implementation and if people give their feedback on how they think they should work they should go in a good direction. lol like how you get the saddle skill before the taming skill of the same lvl.

    i had not the chance to try out taming yet because limited skill points 😞 i would love too... but also wanna ship+crew to actually play the game... and not just chop trees...

    but from what it seems, the idea is that you do not need that many points to be able to ride and need much more points to actually tame (group play - which i think is implemented wrong)...

  3. so every MMO i have played so far, you can play most progression solo until end-game content (there might be some dungeons in between where you can group up with randoms)

    in this game even treasure hunt is very difficult to do solo (i might do things wrong due to unbalanced skill tree)
    building ship is a pain... you skill into ship and make parts... you respec into cannons make cannons... and so on until you have all parts + weapons + ammo, then respec into captain and maybe some other shit to be able to do basic content on your own

    i do not want to look for progression company on PVE while i am low lvl! i do want to be able to do basic content myself... and i do not expect to be able to do end game content myself!

  4. 6 hours ago, Domino said:

    When it is fully released, I'm optimistic the balance will be better.  By then they'll have released a bunch more stuff and have it all balanced (hopefully) as a whole.  There probably isn't much point in balancing each system prior to adding them all in.  Then they're balancing the same systems over, and over, and over, and slowing the entire development process down.

    did you play ark?

  5. please separate combat and crafting skills... seriously almost nobody want to be just a crafter for the rest of their game time

    it would also help to be able to have multiple chars in one world.. but i guess thats much more complicated using that engine 😞

    you should be able to specialise into one full combat tree when reaching max level (its a bit difficult to deal with in current state - maybe just adjust to have 51 max level for now)
    at the same time i should be able to do 1-2 crafting trees...
    now we have passive trees too (captain/pirate/...), i have no initial suggestion for that... but it also should be handled somewhow different.. we all want to have at least one of these

    its very unrealistic to assume that you can make a game world with very specific specialisations... people will be offline, people will get bored of it! it just does not work!

  6. 2 hours ago, Domino said:

    That is pretty much the literal definition of Early Access.  A game that isn't fully functional yet that will hopefully, maybe be better one day.  That's almost equivalent to saying "I wish everyone would just stop telling me that the sky is blue."

    What improvements have they made so far?  

     Anyone can now demolish shipwreck structures to regain resources so get your diving suits ready!

    - NPC Trading Ships are back and no longer affected by wild dino destruction commands! Reminder for those with deep pockets, the trader ships have an epic Dragon which can be purchased for 50,000 gold coins

     Further reduced Ship of the Damned spawns by 20%

    Those are just a few points from the patch notes within the past like day or so.  So, you know, those improvements.  I would post more, but there's a lot of good stuff in the patch notes.  You should check them out.

    That's because we are playing a game being developed by someone else.  I get the impression that a lot of people seem to have have the impression that any EA game is being designed just for them.  In reality, it probably isn't.  What makes those people any more special than any other player, other than their own perception? 

    And there are a lot of other things you can do than just bitching.  Like playing a game you are enjoying, rather than a game you are not enjoying.

    Rage is unhealthy.  Especially over a game that cost all of $25, has been out for a week, and in Early Access no less.  People need to chill out.  Observing people lose their cool over this is mind-blowing, to be honest.  If you bought a buggy game, go refund it if you're not happy.  Too late to refund it?  Well, should have paid attention to the time you had to make the decision rather than ignoring it.  There are restrictions with the Steam refunds.  And Steam makes those restrictions, and you agree to them when you buy through them.

    Does this mean you've come back?  So your original post was not your good bye?  I'm confused.  If you are leaving, good bye.  I hear minecraft is fun.  Or PUBG.

    And honestly, if people are getting this worked out, it's probably best to take a step back and say "You know what, I'm either going to cut my losses and move on, or hope that with time and a bit more baking it's going to be amazing."  If you are spending hour after hour and hating it, then just stop.  A discounted pricetag of like $25CAD is not worth the stress you're putting yourself through.  Come back in a week, or month, or year, or whenever, but stop forcing yourself to endure something you're not enjoying.

    you do understand that if you are not capable of directing initial rants into more constructive conversations, you are not supposed to give responses that just stir the fire? but yeah lets just throw another EA excuse.... so much writing not much essence 😞 

  7. im playing solo on PVE.. which come with enough troubles already before even reach endgame.... and i would like to have an option to "repair all"... be it in PVE only or after certain conditions that make it feasible! its just stupid that i have to repair things piece by piece + diving in PVE or even with certain conditions.... its 0 UX considerations 

  8. 24 minutes ago, Andro Bourne said:

    No because it limits the amount of repair crew you need. Especially on larger ships that would be OP af. Sail away for 5 secs then repair all and go back into combat...

    Just build a trap door to go down into the haul area. Make a resources box and get a repair tool. Takes like 5 seconds to fix it all and you dont need to go into the water to do it...

    Play smarter, not harder.

    then only have repair all after an hour anchored or so? not sure whats the issue here?

    if i do not have crew yet even for schooner i have to go swim... now decay is not as bad as many people say... after 24 hours i lost 24(i do have all three decrease decay skills = -50%)? still above 5000...  but its just annoying if it does not bring any value.... if im nachored for some time, just let me repair all

  9. Just now, hillbillyal said:

    I dont envy your wife friendo

    you dont need too. i do not care... we have a good life with some issues from time to time like most couples... but overall we life the live (sorry forgot diff between life and live


  10. Just now, hillbillyal said:

    The people in charge of providing the service decide where the line is.  You have a fundamental lack of understanding of what the free speech amendment entitles you to do.  You cant just go on any website and say literally anything.  If I were to type up a forum post and just spam the N word 100 times, do you think I would be protected under freedom of speech? Would people just ignore it or shame me and move on? There are EXPLICIT guidelines on these forums that would see that post removed and me probably banned.  So how do you not understand the difference between following the rules of a service you are participating in and the amendment of free speech? 

    of course you are right (its like talking to my wife...) lets all fuck logic!

    Just now, peter said:

    of course you are right (its like talking to my wife...) lets all fuck logic!

    if i would be 80 years old i would just say lets go for it and see where it ends... but i am not.. i want some good years remaining...

  11. 2 minutes ago, hillbillyal said:

    Anyone who claims "this is the internet get over it" as an excuse to justify racist behavior doesnt really have a firm understanding of how the internet works.  When you take part in using a service on the internet, you are also agreeing to follow the community rules and guidelines set forth by that service. 

    These forums, steam, all your social media platforms and YouTube, and thousands of other independent websites all have rules that you agree to follow when you sign up and log in.  They are all different.  

    If you want to be racist, start your own website, blog, or private server.  Other than that, you dont have free reign to do whatever you want, and you certainly dont have free reign to tell other people how they should feel about it.  

     OH fuck of with your T&C's... its the cancer of internet... most of us agree that racist shit and other crap is bad... i dont like it most other do not... but wuite a few here understand you can not censor without enabling a loophole for asshole to go for personal gains.... i rather have some shitheads that i ignore instead of a tool for asshole to abuse people!

    • Like 1
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  12. 6 minutes ago, hillbillyal said:

    You are just wrong, there are explicit rules.  Just because you view the game as a way to vent real life frustrations in an unhealthy and aggravated manner doesnt mean a thing.  If you think the real world is so bad, and people are so shitty, why would you condone that same behavior in your "escape from the real world"?

    Sure, people have plenty of freedom on the internet.  Start your own website, blog, or host your own private server and be as racist and "free" as you want all day.  But when you use a service like steam, or even post on these forums, or take part in any of thousands of services including social media platforms, you agree to follow the guidelines set forth by that specific service.  And they are all different.  So dont come at me with a one size fits all "freedom on the internet" argument to justify shitty behavior because I'm not buying it.

    yes i am wrong... lol... btw i dont do racist or any other bad shit... even on the internet... i just accept that freedom also entails some shitheads and i do not want to silence them because where do you stop silencing people for you own good (and who decides whats your own good, in the end it will get abuse for personal gain).... so whatever you think you doing get the SJW out of here.

    And yes even if you are just a stupid shithead in the game, i will not want to have to do anything with you! and will ignore you!

    you just do not understand what freedom means! (if people speak shit we will shame them, if they do shit we will do punishment)

    btw i believe there is an US amendment for this kind of shit... im not US so my memory might fail me.. its vague anyways

  13. On 12/30/2018 at 9:46 PM, Scrad said:

    You do know level 51 is not the cap right?

    Respec's are likely limited to once per level as they are on official in ARK so tread carefully when hitting that respec button as you may be stuck with a spec you don't want to keep long term until you unlock another level increase.

    51 seems to be the cap for now... there has been no report that enough discover actually unlocks more levels for now... so without communication most of us think 51 is cap until more content... and no reskill sucks hard for people SOLO or in smaller groups

  14. 4 minutes ago, hillbillyal said:

    I agree with some people on here.  The cage and handcuffs are supported by the game.  While it sucks, I have no issue with it. 


    What I have issue with is them making demands of a sexual nature to negotiate your release.  This is unacceptable in an mmo.  Where are the clearly stated rules dictating what is appropriate in game behavior? Where is a report system to get a moderator to review your case to see if a rule has been violated?  Where are the in game moderators at all? 

    I'm tired of seeing racist players threatening people with real life rape and violence.  These are violations of steams community guidelines, and this is a steam game.  Wildcard needs to enforce an minimum acceptable standard of behavior like any other mmo would do.

    By all means trap somebody in a cage and ransom them for resources, land claims, or anything else that is supported within the game rules.  But harassment is harassment.  

    you first competitive online game you played? sorry but i am sick of this shit... do not infest my last escape of real world where people do whatever fucked up shit they want to do.... i do not agree with a lot of them... but that is not the point... the point is that we all free here... and i believe steam made their choice some time ago and decided to go for freedom.... if you can not deal with retarded shitheads do not play games please...or maybe dont even go onto the internet.... humans are fucked up... just look at our society in real world.. dominated by greed and money.... let us escape this shit without being confronted with other RL shit!

    • Like 1

  15. i went out on my schooner navigating through all the scary ghostships (no cannons/crew) to another island to make treasure hunt... that time i did not have good melee weapon and after killing all skeletons i was left with the big one just going into earth and regenerating (killed the rest with bow and terrain), it was late and i had to go sleep/work family dinner... i came back online dead by a player on PVE... luckily my schooner still ok... lost my treasure map for that island.. but still skilled some points into mace for next one and also plate armor (skill points are fucking annoying but still doable, as long as you have respec)... going back to my island with my little corner of claim, freaking ghostships everywhere... almost heart attack... got there now going to farm for brigantene + cannons (hope i dont get max lvl in meantime and still can respec when i am ready for next adventure)... all i want is some gold + ship + crew + gear + maybe some captain skills and in perfect world also some pirate skills (on top of some combat skills which i have to ignore for now).... this game in this state is not fun at all, it might be for some people... but i would rather go solo with permanent 3x and full skill points... i could look for a company but once im 51 i am stuck with certain skills and will get bored very soon, not to mention that depending on ill just be a farm grunt for others to have fun or its a small company that eventually gets eaten (even on PVE)... i do not even try to make a base because i can so easy loose it anyways (even on PVE)

    the sad the sad thing is you cant even get a super cheap private server because how this game is build... only hope is single player!

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