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About PopulationControl

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  1. I am asking if anyone else can confirm on Windows 7 that the scroll wheel to zoom in on the map editor window is not working. I ran the editor on my Windows 10 machine and it works properly. I shared the file from my Windows 7 pc across my home network to my Windows 10 pc and the scroll wheel zooming worked fine. I am launching from the same directory on both machines, but it seems only the Windows 7 pc is unable to use the zoom scroll function. I had re-downloaded the editor 3 times to make sure I had latest build and to help eliminate the possibility of a corrupt executable. Both machines are running the same mouse, keyboard, and gamepad with the same software other than different versions of Windows. It is highly unlikely there is a corrupt mouse driver on the Windows 7 pc. I use PSPad to edit files and the scroll wheel functions just fine in that program. Both machines have the latest version of .NETframework for their version of Windows. The latest install package is 4.7.2 .NETFramework.
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