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Everything posted by UnknownDjinn

  1. Max level of brig is 41. Ours was max level. Just fyi.
  2. Decided we'd kill a SotD because it was in our way and would take longer to go around. Sailed up opened fire. Missed half of our volley. After 10 seconds this SotD had shot over 500 cannonballs and destroyed every plank on the starboard side. Moments later our brig was sunk. A SotD took reload over drive and then increased it's power 100 times over. Can I get some assistance here? - Thank you Mods have read and addressed this - Currently working on a fix.
  3. Logged out at level 44 with 47k xp (Holding onto the other 5 levels to for respecs.) Logged in on V10 at level 44 with 26k xp. Over 20k xp just removed from my character
  4. Just saying you haven't lost much time. I spent 55hrs solo building a Brig took it out docked it inland then 7.0 hit and it broke. Devs not only do not care. They aren't even willing to comment. They just ignore it.
  5. It's of course a bug they're already making fixes for it. The problem is the damage it has caused. Which is why we're asking for rollback. I haven't played today the moment I saw the brig was destroyed. And I probably won't play again for a very long time unless there is a rollback. Too much progress lost so soon.
  6. Your character looks so defeated as he stands there and watches his hard work get destroyed and not being able to do anything about it.
  7. As of 7.0 the vast majority of people have lost hours if not days of work. I built a brig by myself it took over 50 hours of play on an island that no longer has any trees at all. I can't even build a raft there are actually zero trees I logged in today to find that my brig that I took so long to build has been destroyed. And I'll be honest I'm extremely disheartened, I signed up for this when I purchased this in early access. Had I known this is what I signed up for I might have waited to actually play. I play on NA PvE with a discord of players from A9/10/11/12/13 - B10/11/12 - C9/10/11 - D10 - E9/10/11/12 - F12 in all of these regions every single person is saying they have lost their ships and their islands also don't spawn trees anymore. So we're now forced to sit on land without our ships we've worked so long to get playing ark without the possibility of taming dinos since they get one shot by alphas or rebuilding our ships. I'm requesting because of the problems patch 7.0 caused to rollback to the moment before the servers went live with patch 7.0 and the ship of the damned fixed. If you also lost your work and progress and would like a roll back too. Sign up and post here!
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