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About Carrymesenpai12

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  1. pretty annoying to get to a freeport and die from food or water before you get to shore but since your in a freeport whoops theres goes all your stuff?? who even thought of that and said that was okay?
  2. literally every night we get wiped by some korean streamer or a group of brazillians all 60+ people strong. literally.... every..... night..... doesent matter what island your on or where you are in the map cause those types of clans are FUCKING EVERYWHERE and none of them are friendly unless your from where they are from (not even being racist one korean dude even told us he only teams with other koreans) and the fact that streamers can just join any random server and get their 10k plus viewers to come join them and do 60+man raids is bullshit for every other person who doesent happen to have 50+ people they play games with that just so happen to like atlas. like we are in an alliance with the entire island we were on but even that ment nothing to 60 people wipeing out the ENTIRE ISLAND
  3. 1. make claimed areas that are yours that are being claimed by someone else turn yellow so we know which area is getting attacked. trying to find the lat and long in the 3 seconds the message appears is impossible 2. if your going to make taking land claims only take 30 minutes AND take everything they own on that is pretty dumb. what you should do is if you want to make it 30 minutes make it 30 minutes for claims that dont have any buildings in it and if they have a base built lets say more than 10 foundations it adds 10 minutes 10 more foundations 10 more minutes and different buildings add different time. like a smithy lets say 2 minutes since its easy to build or a forge adds 5 min and a small shipyard adds 20 and if theres a ship being built it adds 30 instead etc etc i cant tell you the times for everything but you get the idea. that way someone cant just run up to a base that took a week to built and take it over in 30 minutes. youd have to really work to take over large bases.with this 30 minute system thats in now you pretty much cant even log off to go get food or go to work or youl come back and someone took over your entire base and your just ♥♥♥♥ed. its honestly easier to just build a sloop or schooner and put your stuff on there cause it takes upwards of 10 hours to claim a sloop. or at least it use to
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