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Posts posted by Liatni

  1. Eh, anyone who can not play the game legit without, breaking code of conduct/friend of someone at company/streamer, what ever the case.. Should not be using Official server as a personal playground where they have any advantage that a normal player would not have playing the game as it should be played.

    I do hope you Ban EVERYONE who choses to do so, no matter who they are  as you catch them doing so.

    I mean,  if an owner or admin of an Unofficial server pulled any bs. Guess what? People would stop playing there.

    Again, no special treatment when it comes to banning those who are not playing the game the way the game is intended to be played by the players.

    Please and Thank you.

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  2. If the company knew the hacker and was kicking him, I hope that that company wrote up a ton of reports and cheater tickets on the player else, it looks like they were involved, regardless.  IF these guys actually own or affiliated with the company, they should fess up and stop the bs, they are killing their own game(s).  What ever is the case, @Jatheish or anyone who is behind the scenes with THIS game, needs to step up and explain. Seriously. Even your most positive supporters are refusing to play now because of this Admin level abuse out of other players.

  3. I was watching a group of ships(of all sizes) last night, in one when they were heading out for a fight, they all survived the storm fine. As well watched another ship sail directly into one to fight a lvl 11 sotd, it survived both the storm and the SoTd, just fine. However, in both cases I think the company does make it a habit to keep its ships up  sturdiness.

    As for the one that sank for you all, did you have waterbarrels open on it that maybe filled up and it maybe was weight that did it? donno, I mean.. I haven't sailed a raft for a few days, maybe I need to take one out and go spout huntin just to try it out. lol. I usually survive just fine in them with a raft.. I may take enough damage that I start praying that I get out in time but the raft thus far, not a problem haha

  4. Watching anyone trying to fight using a gun and have to jump about while reloading as the other player just spam shots fire arrows at the player and more so just on the ground... its painful to watch, let alone play through it (if you are the player trying to reload through the fire spam, that is)

    If you don't really want to change the system v fire overly much, maybe a short cool down between fire arrows? idk just something to give those who want to use guns, a chance at least. heh.

  5. heh, wonder if anyone contacted him. Steam forums are uh.." passionate"..  with the discussions *cough* so posts can be buried 3 pages back in an hour at times, with the spam posts and necro's.  ziyou7579 was the players steam name. I was real tired, didn't even post that. lol /facepalm

  6. Oh, the streamers are keeping an eye out for potential or blatant cheaters always, they make sure to document as they go as well, they have a chunk of witnesses, watching at all times.

    What the Dev's have to do beyond banning for it? I don't know but, like Sulfurblade said up above me, the devs are taking a look as things pop up,  rather it turns out to be something that is an easy fix or an ongoing outside program upgraded cheat they have to stay ontop of.. I hope they are taking names as well, many many names who should not be allowed back into the game for cheating big time.

  7. Just because you may not see immediate results on one thing or another, even an obvious problem does not mean they are not working on it.

      Amazes me on how many people start huffing and puffing and stomping their feet over it still.  I am not a streamer, many who are on a streamers stream are not streamers but,  reg players who joined the game, just like me. I am having a lot of fun, I can play the game fine and as well know how problems can come up after a content patch that has bulk to it, I as well know from playing many EA games and even some games that re out of EA and sold normally that find they have to patch things still..  I do not expect the game to be in a done state any time soon. If it becomes unplayable to me now, I will shelve it and keep an eye on its progress before jumping in again. I can do so, now, tomorrow or after its finished.

    If I did not enjoy it as much as I have so far, I wouldn't bother with keeping an eye on its progress, when/if I can't  for what ever reason comes up, play.

  8. Those that don't have the time or wish to ride the waves of in development  chaos, please do step out and wait until the game has progressed enough to be over the rough start. Start does not mean the day it went live, start can mean another month or so, even of development. Allow those who enjoy the progression of the game and ride the waves of improvements and setbacks that, come with it,  do the ground work of that development to improve the game for you in the long run for the game, overall. heh.

    Though, game needs those who do come up with specific problems, so please be sure to keep reporting things as they come up with as much information on what happened!

    I feel bad for those who are still having connection problems, that is concerning.. NOT the temp connection problems that come after an update but, those who still have not had a stable run at all. 😕

  9. How can anyone conquer the world with.. 20 people 😞  Though, I am all for a cap smaller than the current cap. Anything lower than 100 seems too small, heh.

    31 minutes ago, Sulfurblade said:

    You want to really effect the chinesse then hold this company responsible for enforcing rules and violations of rules!  Make the play field fair and kill the chinesse without them using 3rd party exploits....   

    Ban players who think its freedom of speech to spread hate speech and display swasitka's... Get tid of the vermin from the game!  Not all chinese are hacking and not all american's are idiots get rid of the problem childs and the game will work itself out with no need for such crazy idea's as to make the game worse with less features!

    This. Hold cheaters accountable and let those who are trying to enjoy the game for what and how the game is suppose to be played, alone.  There  are a lot of potential fun and great gameplay out of the gamers out of China, those that cheat just spoil it for everyone in the end, Including their selves. 😕 Please consider NOT cheating or exploiting in games. pls. Everyone would like palying with you then.  (goes for all cheaters/exploiters) btw, not just one group.

  10. I am just impressed that the OP was on the EZ killing side and is reporting that Flame Arrow is still too much. 🙂

    I agree in Pvp that is bad.. In PVE please don't take it away, its about the only thing can use at times against Alpha and or stronger wildlife.. btw Wildlife is more OP than anything. heh.

  11. I do think the freedom to take over how ever much a company can is kinda a part of the pvp however, I would like to suggest that maybe you think on capping a company to around 100 as well for Landclaims maybe do something like.  2 or 3 flags per every 5 people in a company up to a set # amount, total.

    Seems to me that would make it so any 1 company can sit on a server and there is still room for movement with in it even when the entire company is on (what isn't always)

    Companies would have to have some Flag management to do so wouldn't be claiming all over the Atlas world . Of course they will make several companies and Allied with others but, at least they would have to juggle who homes where in doing so. Claim limit is needed but, wouldn't want to take all the fun away,  xpecially on the pvp server.  And they would as well need to save a couple flag spots for ship claiming.  IMO 2 per five would be  best but,  3 would work better for smaller companies to be able to have 1 flag claim set aside for them fun ship claims.


    Just a suggestion and a rough one at that. ty.

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