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Everything posted by Razhael

  1. Thats why i aim to mitigate the consecuences of the toxicity and not to punish the act itself. Also, totally agree about the content, and i try to include this features by forcing the palyer to follow a story/questline (or completly avoid the story by combat leveling) to get game improvements. Thank you for being constructive
  2. Hello fellow sailors! I really like this game, but due to work and the current situation i've been unable to play it as much as i like to. But i`ve been reading the forums for quite some time. The game actually is lacking active players, and why is that?. Many of the people that used to play this game quitted because of some time consuming issues and frustrating pvp ganking and griefing. When someone suggest something about this issue, the clearly toxic pvper shows to say: "its a pvp game, just deal with it". But you are forgetting that some of this issues are the things killing the game, you need that "cannon fodder" to fill the seas in order to have fun and sink something. In my case i really started on a pvp server, i like to play on small companies, most of the big ones are quite stressing with all that people. So, to encourage people to return to the game, and SAIL (playing houses is another thing that kills the game, and lags it quite a lot), you need to develop a way to store the ships. Actually the technology is there, in ark, the "pokeballs". So, my idea is to use 2 methods of storing them: - The Ships in a bottle method (aka cryopods, yeah, pretty much pirates of the caribbean black beard's thing) - And through the storyline by using the compass. The first one is quite straightforward, allowing you to store many ships in a rack at your base, cleaning shores from shitloads of ships (and protecting them from attacks). In order to be balance you can allow a certain number of bottle racks per company (lets say, 1 rack that allows a storage of 5 to 10 ships depending on the rack quality). The second one, and the most interesting one from a casual playerbase, is the one regarding the compass. With the implementation of an interesting storyline (questline), that involves SAILING around, fighting and/or exploring, you can upgrade your compass (leveling like the character), and gain a slot in a 3 tier storage system. This way you can store a Sloop, a Schooner and a Brigantine (galleons are probably too powerful to be storage this way). The limitations to balance this system could be something like this: For the first one (bottle system): - Ships only respawnable in a shipyard at base, and with a personal cd like the Ark cryopods. For the Compass System: - Ships only respawneable in freeports, with personal CD shared with the cryopods but a diferent one for the ship tier. Regarding the ship cargo, it will only store crew, the contains of the ship will be dropped on the summoners location (or deleted, with a previous warning, so this will force you to unload your ship somewhere, with the risk of getting caught in the process by filthy pirates :P). This also will force you to restock everything, food, supplies, weapons, etc. There could be some issues on how to store all the ship customizations server side wise, but i do not have knowlege about pogramming and that stuff. Thats why probably the number of storaged ships should be tweaked because of this. Thank you. For the toxic Pvper that for sure is going to show, i like pvp too, but if you just make the game frustrating, the player base will just leave, i think this will encourage people more to use the ships, and without the fear of loggin out and knowing that you have to start all over again each time you log in.
  3. The last couple of days we are having a lot of problems with the server stability, insane amount of crashes, sunken ships, disappearing npcs, duplicating npcs (sinking ships or almost). This is happening around M6. Last night ive lost a fully equipped and crewed brigantine anchored at our base for no aparent reason. Today i, and some company friends were trying to have some fun with the ships. What happened is quite the opposite: A lot of disconnections, and the npcs messing everything up. After a server crash, ive logged back first and saw something weird on my friend's ships: they were overloaded with npcs, before to the server crash, this ships were fine. So i managed to throw some npc overboard to save the ships. You must fix this asap while you try to figure out the server crashes. What you must do is to deactivate the ship sinking because of overweighting and overcrowding. Just prevent them from moving if they are overcrowded or overweighted. At least this should fix the problem while you fix the server crashes and the weird behavior from npcs. From my part, im going to remove the npc from the ships, but many people is not aware of this issue and is going to loose their ships.
  4. I need to correct my previous post, i cant join on any of the servers on the pve cluster, is annoying : /
  5. Yes, also is impossible to spawn on any of the freeports, "Lost/timedout pending connection to host"
  6. It would also be very useful to plan bluids among the Company mates
  7. Please, it would be nice to have a talent calculator to plan out how to proper plan how to distribute the skill points. Even more after the mess you did with the v7.0 patch. Thank you very much ;)
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