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Posts posted by MaxPower

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dorf said:

    If you read my post you'd see all I want is a filter to use.  I'm not asking anyone to stop swearing and being immature or vulgar.  Just like I turn off the chat in game... I dont asking anyone to change thier behavior.  I just want the tool that's on my forums.

    Ok and that's fair. Its not an issue to me but that's a reasonable request if its really that big of an issue for you. I just took issue with the idea that its disrespectful to curse in public or on a public forum because its really not, so long as you're not directing said curses at someone. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dorf said:

    I agree with you 100%. I'm 46 with 3 young children that love to watch me play and I cant alt tab to come here because of the lack of a filter.   At least in game I can turn off the chat box to filter people. 

    Sorry dude but its your job as a parent to keep your kids away from content you don't want them to experience. Its not our job to censor ourselves because you're in denial about the world your kids live in. Don't like your kids seeing what gets said on the forums? Don't visit the forums when your kids are watching. Its that simple.


    1 minute ago, Dorf said:

    So you lack any respect for others... gotcha.  I personally dont swear in public or public forums because I'm mature and respect others spaces.

    But hey that's how I was taught.

    No see it doesn't work that way. You're not respecting others when you tell them to change their behavior to satisfy your belief in what is mature and respectful. 

  3. Just now, Jozzie McTowel said:

    In most early access games devs made sure the game mechanics and server worked properly before balancing stuff out like in this case material gathering tames. How can we enjoy any balancing when so many things are broken in the game? Priorities, get them striaght then use the Early Access reply.

    While balancing fixes usually wouldn't be a high priority this early in a games development, we're talking about the adjustment of some numbers in a config file. Its not something that takes a ton of time to do... and keeping balance from getting too out of whack is probably a good strategy. Its possible to both fix things and tweak some variables as development progresses. 

    • Sad 1

  4. 20 minutes ago, Sneakydude said:

    It might have been better to report to the devs, i agree the way it came off. but afk person is not the fault of anyone, offline raiding happens much worse then that.

    I'm not saying it doesn't and its the fault of the devs for not having offline raid protection in place. I just got a kick out of the "Aren't we awesome?" tone of the previous post. Personally, I'd be ashamed to admit I sank someone's ship while they were offline. 

  5. Part of the problem is simply the nature of an early access game. You're playing a game that's in a very early developmental state which means not only is there a lot of content missing but also balance is all over the place and subject to significant change in a short period of time. I think especially that last part is someone people need to really understand: Don't fall in love with the current balance of things because its going to change a LOT between now and the 1.0 release, which is years away. Creatures/weapons that are dominant now might be mostly useless next patch and things useless now might be far more powerful. People tend to fall in love with things that are super overpowered and then freak out when they're properly balanced (and make no mistake, some of the tame changes DID balance them). 

    The best example I can think of was the flyer nerf in Ark. Flyers were so overpowered in Ark that's all anyone used. The entire ground game was essentially ignored aside from harvesting dinos because all you needed was a decent Quetz or Argy and you were set since they could get you anywhere faster and carry plenty of weight (PVP did have more use for the ground game to some degree than PVE did). Yet when the devs tried to balance them, people lost their collective minds. Whenever something is unbalanced and overpowered, people LOVE to use it... and they get angry when their overpowered toys are taken away. Its an age old problem for game devs.  

    So really, if you're going to act like every single balancing change is the end of the world and threaten to quit because of them.... do yourself a favor and don't play early access titles since you'll be doing it a lot. Best to wait till the game is mostly finished and such major changes to balance are less likely. 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1

  6. 7 minutes ago, pvg103breda said:

    it was not an accusing, it was just a question....because its really expensive to make for a small tribe 🙂

    It wasn't an accusation? 

    35 minutes ago, pvg103breda said:

     i suspect cheating. their tribe name is black clock and live in b15.

    Sure sounds like a name and shame accusation to me. 


    ...and btw, they dont have it anymore, because we took it down 

    Oh and you "took down" someone's ship while they were offline... aren't you special? 

  7. This is just another example of the devs not properly considering the ramifications of their actions. Most players are already over 90 years old and the age de-buff is pretty punishing, so it stands to reason most players will decide to go for the fountain of youth right away. The problem is that there is only one fountain per main server.... meaning thousands of people could be trying tp bum rush a grid server only capable of handling a couple hundred players. That was a foreseeable issue (which is why I haven't made the trip yet) that could have been avoided by having multiple fountains for the first spawn or resetting everyone's age so there wasn't an immediate log jam. 

  8. Someone is saying its rumored to be in O7 on in-game chat right now.... but I would take that with a huge grain of salt. (NA PVE)

    15 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    Does anyone know if you need a quest to find it?

    Like, if I stumble upon it, can a drink from it? Or is there so requirement ?

     You already have the quest for it if you're 90 or older. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Stormknight said:

    I understand game design encouraging you to go complete content, but why do I feel like I am being punished for not playing the game enough to be completing endgame inside 4 weeks?

    Because you pretty much are...

    • Like 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Jason Twice said:

    RIGHT! Now the ONLY thing will do in game is sail around ALL FREAKING day BORING AF looking for the right island! Excellent devs!!

    Uhhh not to mention that in PvP the fountain is going to be camped by griefers 24/7. 

    • Like 2


    1 minute ago, Grongash said:

    Shows how disconnected they are from the playerbase and whats going on.

    I think its pretty clear they only really care about streamers. Jat even got all excited on the stream yesterday talking about how steamers PM him ideas and shit. Streamers making trips to the fountain of youth with their army of rubes might be entertaining.... but its not a fun game mechanic for most players. 

    At the absolute least they should have reset everyone's age back to 20 so we had time to prepare for this. To just spring it on the community, when most of our characters are already 90+ is just nonsense.  

    • Like 10

  12. Perhaps I missed it but I don't see anything in there about solving the PvE sinking issue or fixing people getting stuck to other players ships as a result of their previous attempted "fix" for the issue. I'd say that's bad... really bad. 

    Edit: Also, consider me in the camp that thinks the aging mechanic is pure garbage. No idea what the devs are thinking with that one... there is nothing fun about it. 

    • Like 1

  13. 2 hours ago, schio248 said:

    nice communication @devs. And seeing the upcoming patchnotes, this game will die fast. Why on earth are you already adding new content before fixing the game as it is right now? This really is Ark 2.0.

    I have spent a good deal of time complaining about specific game breaking issues that need to be fixed myself (PvE ship sinking mostly) but in general there is a pretty good defense to this: The game is in early access.

    I know, you probably think that's just an excuse... but in reality the game is in a very early developmental state. The standard practice of game development at this stage is to get all the content in as fast a possible and THEN worry about fixing issues. Obviously things are a little different with an Early Access title since people have paid for the game and are playing it. As such, major game breaking issues do need to be addressed but you should know going in that fixing issues probably won't be a major focus for a while. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    Why the hell are they going to put in submarines to a pirate/medieval setting? This is ridiculous. In the pirate times there were diving belts and oxygen spaces. No crappy submarines.

    Because its a fantasy game, not a pirate sim. There are already magic elements in the game with more on the way... and a magic powered steampunk looking mini sub is one of them apparently. They touched on the back story of Atlas a bit during the stream. Basically the world was more advanced at one point where some form of magic was used to power things in the world. That world fell and things are now more primitive but traces of the old world technology will be present in the game. 

    • Like 1

  15. 8 minutes ago, Nokim said:

    high up on mountains along with crystal from what i have seen

    That's not always the case as they can often be found at the base of mountains.

    7 minutes ago, Ramsy78 said:

    Not sure how reliable that info is.  I went to m5 search whole southern island and found 0 gems

    Not all islands in a given region may have them. Its also possible that someone else has already minded them before you passed through as they take about 90 minutes to respawn. 

  16. 28 minutes ago, Maveric said:

    U cna still sink it getting on ladders O.o

    Yup, that's what I was alluding to in my post. Not only is the glitching issue ridiculous, its ridiculous they didn't consider players on ladders when adding this "fix". I still believe the only real fix is to remove weight sinking in PvE altogether (at least while anchored) but if this "fix" they added is the route the devs absolutely insist on going, there are three problems they need to address (aside from the glitching when you step on a raft BS): 

    1. A player can't carry unlimited weight or at the very least can't walk/swim if they are significantly above max weight. How hard is this one? 
    2. You should be able to lock your ladders so non-allied players can't use them at all. 
    3. They'd also have to figure out a solution for dropped items since you'd still be able to drop a ton of weight on a players ship to sink it. Admittedly, that would take a sizable group of pretty dedicated trolls to pull off but is still be possible.

    Again, this could all be solved by simply not allowing ships to sink from weight when anchored...

  17. 1 hour ago, Realist said:

    I’m about a month or so they will find a permanent fix. In all seriousness they will find a fix but don’t expect the dirt one to be permanent for obvious reasons

    I'm pretty sure this WAS the permanent fix they were planning. Jat said this on Tuesday: 

    "The overweighting issue is indeed a priority for our team and we definitely understand the frustration it's causing. We're working on a more delicate technical solution to resolve it, hopefully, we can get that in as soon as possible."

    The current fix went out shortly after that, which makes me think this fix is that "delicate technical solution". Obviously they didn't test it very much because simply stepping on a raft in testing would have revealed a huge new issue that should never have gone live... not to mention it is apparently still possible to sink other players ships in PVE. All they had to do was make it so weight doesn't sink anchored ships in PvE. Instead they tried some convoluted fix that doesn't work and created other problems. Not great.   

  18. I only skimmed the other posts in this thread so some of these might be repeats: 

    1. Generally speaking, what are the plans for new PVE content going forward? 

    1a. More specifically, are there plans to add more NPC ships? It'd be nice to have NPC trade/war ships we can attack and board.

    2. Any plans for more furniture items? Current decoration options are a bit thin. 

    3. Is there any chance we could see some sort of offline raid protection? I'd love to spend more time playing PVP but quite frankly there isn't any point for solo/small groups to PVP right now since any progress made will be destroyed while we're offline.

    4. I know this has been an issue since Ark but is anything going to be done about foundation/pillar spam in lawless? Its my understanding that these areas are suppose to be stepping stones for new players... but its hard for new players to get a foothold in these regions when you have a relatively small group of people claiming large swaths of land. In the lawless region I live for example, someone is actively trying to claim an entire island. Every time a spot opens up, they claim it with pillars. Soon the entire island will be held by a single company that has two or three people in it (and the two or three other companies that have a large presence there). That seems like something that should be addressed, even if its with an in-game rule change and GM intervention.  

    5. Has any consideration been given to a PvEvP server where some regions are PvE and others are PvP? That would be a viable alternative to adding offline raid protection, allowing players to establish bases in PVE regions and only engaging in PVP when they want to. To encourage excursions into PVP regions rare recourses or loot could be added to those zones.  

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