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Everything posted by edthechowderhead

  1. One of the devs said on the discord you're not supposed to place the lighthouse in the water, if you guys did that.
  2. We've found islands that are abundant with metal, certain islands are abundant with only 1 resource. I.E. We've found an island with bundles of 4x10 crystal spawn nodes [40 crystal nodes] We've found an island with bundles of 2x8 tin metal nodes [16 metal nodes] We've found an island with a temple, and those weird mobs We've found an island with a natural water source. No island has everything fit for survival, the game makes you hop between islands and trade within your exploration alliance. Bring a couple boats on your metal expeditions is my recommendation, this game is not solo friendly AT ALL, but it does make it easy for a solo to join any company very easily.
  3. I believe this would be an easy fix, but if you set company rank/groups [permissions] they don't save through server crashes and server maintenances. It's making it a trouble to trust new people into our company, and we're forced to make people ally in small companies throughout our island due to this bug. If we don't have permissions we can't set destruction permissions...
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