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Everything posted by Almstaal

  1. The spawn rate of wolves, and I assume any hostile animal needs to be nerfed a bit for sure. I've died so many times to random packs of wolves, despite just having cleared out close to 100 of them myself from the one small island I'm on. They're unable to be out run, they pin you down a lot of the time, and you can't even really get away from them by going to higher ground (they can still somehow hit you). I'm not super far from the starting area and I'm not in the tundra. There needs to be a change to allow low level players an opportunity to build up. The way it is now, you are forced to leave the starting island, then no matter if you land on the next closest island, you're suddenly on hard mode. The knock-back is too much as well. It's almost impossible to hit them after they've hit you a couple of times. Please take note of all the complaints about hostile creatures and make a change. Spawn rates, spawn locations, etc.
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