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Posts posted by IcyAxe

  1. 1 minute ago, Sovereign Snow said:

    I suggest having personal lockers to put everything, or valuables, away into when logging out to prevent loss of items when this happens.

    Yeah, but what if you are in the middle of the fight... he timeouts (it happens to me a lot sometimes i get disconnected every 1min). I can't loot his body...

    I know about personal lockers we are using them already. But for example sleepers on the ship still count. If i tame something or i want to bring what ever it is home that takes crew space. He still counts toward a crew member. Usually I had throw them overboard if that issue arised, but now its impossible. And some of my friends sometimes leave heavy valuable gear on them.


    52 minutes ago, BoomerMcFisticuffs said:

    Why haven't they changed the pin code system to not use the keyboard input, mouse only, and scramble the keypad after each number is put in? Would go a long way into solving these brute force methods of cracking pin coded boxes.

    This would not help. Because a) info about keypad scrambling would still have to sit in memory. So with hack tools can bypass this. b) it would make legit people a lot of issues for people who want to use inventory. c) i read somewhere its even possible to bypass locked non pincoded inventories by using hack tools. Not sure if this is true.


    Its about the rate at which somebody can enter pin codes. Meaning if somebody misses pincode 3 time you lock that pin entry for next 30mins or more.


    Look at Rust. They have keyboard input for pincodes. But missing a pin multiple times drains your health resulting in killing you - but this would not help in PvE case. 

  3. There are around  4 billion possible IPv4 Addresses minus the reserved stuff + IPv6 which has very large set of available addresses. Now... how does one block IP Addresses which belong to VPNs? You cant. VPN Addresses change on daily basis. Port numbers don't help, they are just random. Packet inspection wont work because traffic already exited VPN endpoint.

    Only thing that can determine region for most of the traffic is Steam from payment. 
    Basically in terms of privacy and other stuff region locking players is impossible.

    They need to fix the rules of the game. To make this stuff impossible.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 1 minute ago, Mephos said:

    SOTD fast? question is.. what were you driving? A sloop or a raft with small sails probably.  

    Look at this video that I made fighting off 3 SOTD in a row without taking ANY damage. I have my sails at 50% and turn then against the wind to not be faster than any SOTD out there (I slow down on purpose to keep them within range) while dragging them behind me. SOTD are freaking slow, and they rotate slow and the aggro range is super small even for brigs and stuff. I go afk while driving from 1 island to the other and even if you aggro them, about 10 sec. later you lose them again. They are 0 challenge if you have a schooner or above. Even with a sloop and a medium sail you should be absolutely fine to go. I even saw rafts outrun SOTD on the way to powerstone islands. 


    Read my previous post about slow tick rate of laggy servers...

    I can outrun any SoD with my brig, schooner, even sloop... but not on laggy servers. 

  5. My brig was at 11k/16.5k (~65% loaded) weight I had some stuff with me for taming which weighted around 500kg. 

    Just a bit of offtopic.
    And there is another thing i have noticed about bad ping servers. Ships move slower than on areas with ok ping. 

    There is something wrong with tick rate of some servers (lawless are particularly  bad). Look at the waves and rubber-banding of ships. Because waves & ships are a server-side thing. Client usually runs at "correct" tick rate. And when you move forward your ship & waves gets corrected. I needed twice the time to cross a lawless as I needed to cross the K6. With same wind conditions. 

    Note the in game time. It happens a lot of times that time of day suddenly changes - because it gets corrected from server every so often. 

  6. Yesterday at EU PvE L6 I had to return to base with Brig (fully loaded & repaired for combat 12 medium, 6 large cannons and ~300 shots) because i ran out of ammo and repair materials 10 minutes sailing out of port. AND I was trying to avoid them to get to another tile for taming. 
    There were so many of them it was insane. At one point i saw at least 6 SoD at one place.

    Since v15 patch something changed.

  7. They just need to make anchored ships not taking damage when overloaded, thats it. No unnecessary edge cases. 

    About random rafts anchored all over the place - lawless islands should allow beds, rafts should decay even when anchored. I don't have a freaking place to place a dry dock anywhere because of rafts. 
    And rafts should be "pushable" after sometime even when anchored. 

    People can just f* with you and park a shitty raft in front OR even in the dock and then a 200 wood raft can block exit for a 125k wood galleon.

    Edit: IMO rafts should decay faster even when not anchored in a "friendly" claim, that would help a lot with clearing coastlines on lawless. 

    Note that I playing on PvE and I am currently sticking to lawless until claim system is fixed.

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