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Posts posted by Saffran

  1. 1 minute ago, UDO said:

    no 2 isnt enough u need 4 really 2 for main , 2 for other location , its a big ass map , 

    So?  you just have to be smart with how you want to go about it, tbh you dont need 2 different locations, unless 1 is really far away, and if you claim more then 1-2 flags you start paying upkeep for it, and have to go there every 3 days.

  2. 1 minute ago, UDO said:

    better still 4 flags per man end of 😛 problem solved , 

    1-2 flags is enough imho per player. if you are in a company all of those flags are combined anyways. Could increase the normal flag claim size slightly, and lower the ocean flag claims so they are the same size as the land version.
    Because its ridiculous that 1 ocean flag can completely cover someone elses territory, like me and my company are living with right now.

  3. 6 minutes ago, UDO said:

    yes need something and maybe multiplying per flag so for example 1 wood per hour for flag 1 , 2 wood per hour flag 2 , 4 wood per hour flag 3 so per hour , and so on ?  this would hurt smaller tribes if they take over too much ,but large companys would have no issue farming up what needed , doesnt seem much work it out 😛

    Im talking about treasure coins as the currency here not resources. if you have one or two flag claims  the upkeep would be 0. if you have more then 2 it would start increasing with 100 coins per flag.

    just an example: You have 10 claims, that will cost you 1000 coins every few hours to keep the land. you claim 10 more areas, you are now up to 2k. Probably wouldnt work well, and this is just my mere opinion and speculation on trying to figure out some kind of solution. 

  4. On 12/29/2018 at 8:35 AM, UDO said:

    1 ismt enough unless u want to put your house on the beach as well , 2 is the minimum u need for a good are to build large shpyards those thing are huge , and then have base further inland ,or may u want to move neaeer an area so u really do 2 then u can have a large claim or 2 small ones on separate areas on the map 


     u havnt thought this very well have u

    Or the more you have claimed the more it will cost, maintainance cost to keep the land, every few hours like the crew works

  5. 6 hours ago, Zarine said:

    It definitely does work. I re-placed mine late last night, after someone kept contesting my claim. After doing so, no one can contest it anymore because the upkeep timer shows up.

    My company cant replace any of our flags due to overlapping, so we sadly lost land because of that, as they placed flags in the water to take a massive chunk of a small island, think they managed to take out like 4 of our flags. Now im forced to log out in a 2x2 hut so they cant claim closer to our main buildings and ships

  6. 1 hour ago, UDO said:

    could be that u can only place a flag in your own claim which increse the radius maybe? up to 2-4 flag max 

    Yea would be a good idea, and no overlapping would be great, and be forced place your claim flags ontop of someons flag if you want to claim the land if you find someone who has abandoned the game and timers ran out, and not at the border of the claim

  7. My company lost flags overnight because they didnt get the PVE upkeep update.
    Another company managed to overlap majority of our territory, except one single flag that has PVE upkeep on it because it was placed AFTER the update.

    Everytime we log ingame, we have lost land, that shouldnt have been lost.


    Happy New Year

  8. Yea so, lost land, got one single flag that was placed after the PVE upkeep, is still there since they cant claim it but they are still able to overlap most of the territory by placing flags in the water, because the claim is way bigger. 

    PVE claming needs a complete rework. Make the flags grow in size over time, to a set maximum, maybe like the size of when its in the ocean?


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