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About tig313

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  1. yes, that is exactly how you do it!! thank you hitting T gives more options for multiple things when building
  2. I like the building aspects of the game, as much as my friends like the ships and pvp. This is probably a stupid question (I probably just overlooked something), but I don't see how to build a doorway. I am building in stone and I have the door built, but it wont snap due to no snap points. I have looked everywhere I can think of, but I don't see a doorway. I see the gateways, but I also see the gates that go with them (2 sets different sizes). I am playing on a private server, so it might be something with that server, but is there a doorway that is craftable? Or is the door supposed to snap between 2 walls, etc? Any help is appreciated, and sorry in advance for this probably being something obvious that I missed. (I am not a young whipper snapper anymore... lol)
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