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Posts posted by Zadira

  1. The only thing that needs to be changed for the bears is the weird clunking noise they make when they run.  They sound like the ark therizinos. Hahaha!

    I wish so much that there could be two distinct games.  One game for pve and one for pvp.  They are so different and should be played differently. Trying to please both worlds is almost impossible.  Nerfing the bears for pvp players is just not right for those of us who play pve game style.  If there is any way to keep the bears the way they are for pve, please please please don't nerf them.

  2. The wolves and other creatures are just ridiculous. Who has seen a wolf or any creature just eat at a structure over and over?  I know they did this in Ark but those were dinosaurs.  You can run toward a building and run around the corner but the wolf will agro on the building and just sit there biting it over and over. It is just ridiculous and annoying. There is nothing good about the way we are battling the wolves and other creatures in Atlas. I do hope they fix this soon.

  3. Thanks for all the info on the crew. We haven't hired anyone yet but we are noticing that our ship is constantly needing repair.   I didn't know that a croc or any animal would just randomly come along and start chomping. We might need to think about heading back to Freeport and hiring some help.

  4. I guess my concern is that they rushed the game so much that the resources are just not actually done correctly. I know the resources can be found, there is evidence that some have found them. What I am wondering is if all the plants have actually been coded to give the correct thing.  Since we are in EA, that might be the case and why we are finding weird things when we harvest things. 

    Maybe I am just being too picky. My hope is that when we see a particular plant in the wild, we will know that plant gives us certain things. It is much more fun to search for a particular plant than to just go around pressing E, hoping for the best. 

  5. We have been to several islands now and we have not been able to find any of the taming resources. We need wheat, rushes, sugar cane, honey and maize among other things.  I know you can find the items in certain regions but we are just not having any luck at all.

    We have found that different plants can give the same item, like parsley. The plants look different but give the same resource.  Is something bugged so that the plants might not be giving the correct item? Wouldn't it be better if a certain plant that looks like parsley would give parsley, not other plants?

    We found these very cool things that look like they would give honey but they give sap.  I am getting sap like crazy from a lot of other resources. Why do so many things give sap? Hahaha? 

    I am just curious if others are having as much difficulty finding the taming resources.

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