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Posts posted by Jaite

  1. 1 hour ago, AvatarRoku said:

    Am i the only one that thinks the blueprint system is complete garbage? I dont understand how or why the system as it is now was green lit. Needing several different types of the same material to make marginally better crafts absurd, Not being able to use the blueprint without the skill makes them almost entirely worthless, and to make it worse they have limited uses. i picked up a journeyman stone wall BP and thought "oh! this will be good to make better defenses for my base", only to be met with this terrible tooltip that doesnt explain at all what # X ## means. After 2 hours and finally discovering what it means i cant help but be disappointed and angry. i invested HEAVILY into intelligence hoping to craft some awesome blueprints and now knowing the time investment to make anything slightly better is just not worth it is demoralizing. Why spend 8 hours ferrying around mass quantities of materials from 3 different biomes for slightly improved walls that i wouldnt have enough uses to apply to the whole base? For the time investment to gather those materials i could stay on my island and add another layer of stone walls to my entire base. Hell, maybe even 2 layers. Not saying you should revert back to Ark BPs but this blueprint system needs an overhaul because their value is practically non existent when considering the cost (material and more importantly time).

    The idea behind some of the blueprint mechanics are cool but overall yeah it does suck just like not being able to ride company tames right?

    The skill system is mediocre at best, in a game where you need to be able to craft many items without any real means of an auction house or trading system is silly. Maybe they have a bigger idea down the road for the skill system or trading (I saw Jesse or someone who seemed like a dev talk about the game being heavy trading/merchant ships/trade routes etc).

    As far as needing the skill, that's just silly and bad but I get their trying to force reliance on other players (works if the game continues to have a big population). The multiple items needed is to encourage people to explore and trade, it's actually pretty neat but can be a inconvenience though. I like it though, it makes biomes important and forcing you to leave your single server.

    So, yes you could double layer your wall and be a hermit. Other people will establish trades with passing companies and double layer their walls with even stronger walls. This is just how I think they want the game to work with it's current mechanics.

    • Like 3

  2. 13 hours ago, Keins Thallow said:

    As the older generation of gamers who grew up on diablo 2, everquest, classic wow, all grow older and the younger generation take the market place this has become the norm.  The we want everything NOW and with NO RISK and NO EFFORT  GIMMIEGIMMIE, this is TOOOOO HARRRD LOWLUZOR #something something salty tears  OMGAU?L where iz my skinSS!

    Well that's the issue isn't it, you're old and the younger people obviously like different things compared to you and your time. Funny how that works right?

    Games and companies need/should to adapt to what the current consumers want. A lot of people don't care about struggling to feel like they've achieved something, this is something the older generation values a lot. They like it when they've broken 2 bones cause they thought they worked real hard while the young guy avoided hurting himself doing it another easier way. But in the end, the oldies will still say no risk, no effort, suffersuffer everyone needs to sufffer because I had to.

    Funny how that works doesn't it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Manaos said:

    Because to sail solo. Lets plays solo games. Or get a singleplayer mode.

    The thing was to sail with your friend in your very own ship for adventures and troubles. Name your ship, make her pretty, your home away home.

    Toghether, shoulder to shoulder. Taming the seas like a real pirate gang.

    What we found, is a solo sailing game, with cheat of resourse on, on very easy difficulty mode, with no survival, the crafting difficulty of Fornite...

    Intead of build yo ships and chasing history, we can carft a ship each one and sail solo, or in armada mode to wipe srv from bases near shores.

    I'm ok with singleplayer. And ok if a singleplayer eant to use god mode cheat im his game. But give us the survivalcraft coop MMO that was sold to us...

    how is this a solo sailing game? why is it considered easy mode, what is hard mode? what do you consider survival?

    honestly, this is just your opinion. It doesn't mean that the game caters to just you.

  4. Honestly, there are some upset people with their own opinions but these are some fairly decent balanced changes in my opinion. In the long run these changes will help the game thrive for the bigger picture. This is a huge positive.

    A lot of these changes was for the better of the game overall. The sailing speed, the gather and so on. This made the base game better overall, it makes the official servers more attractive.

    Before it was becoming more and more of a snore fest for both the PvE and PvP. Glad to see traversing the map is quicker now and allows people to explore and reach their pvp or pve sooner. 

    Great job on the changes.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    Not upset about anything. I don’t like wildcard but other than that I’m good.

    there is another guy on this forum that tells me I need to disclose information, so as a favor to him I will inform you.

    i don’t play the game and I am not a pc gamer.

    so the changes don’t affect me one bit. I am waiting, however, for the changes to affect other people. 

    So yeah no complaining from me 👍

    someone who doesn't even play the game, not even a pc gamer crying about a game he doesn't play 

    this story is getting real right here

    • Like 1

  6. Just now, Realist said:

    Wow where did me crying come in. I already stated I don’t have a problem with the change and I don’t have a problem with Megas. Literally not a problem with any of it. Guess you don’t know me really.

    i am feeding off the optimism right now and waiting for realism to sink in. 

    I am not here complaining about anything. I am waiting for the reaction to the action 👍

    I'm just poking holes in your arguments because most of it is illogical, quite easy to show when someone clearly has no idea about what their actually upset about

  7. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    Dude, I am not even complaining about the change. I couldn’t care less.

    and it isnt being pessimistic. This is 3 years of experience playing ark. Nobody is going to sail around to “meet” people on these pvp servers 😂 

    and if they try to do that, they are going to regret “meeting” people.

    one last note. I like the Megas so I am not complaining about them either lol. I am just giving people a reality check. And there is a big one coming once the Megas get their arsenal built up.

    server wipes will be a common occurrence pretty soon. They just are ready yet 😂

    if you don't care, stop crying about it

    the changes aren't that bad and they barely changed anything for the worse

    the megas will continue to do what they want, the people will continue to play or quit when they want, and no one will care still

    people play the game to play with other people, otherwise we'd all just be playing single player games

  8. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    I know you might want the pvp servers to be rp. But that will never be the case. Not with this player base lol. Nobody is sailing to meet other players. They are sailing to go raid and kill other players. There isn’t going to be the community that you think is going to happen.

    everybody has it wrong anyways. It isn’t 2x for everyone. It is 4x for Megas. The Megas are going to love this change.

    first off they will be making raiding materials twice as fast.

    next they will be happy since the small companies have 2x they will have better stuff to steal. The Megas will take all your 2x and make it theirs. They just got a 4x boost.

    their is no community here. Only death 

    If people aren't sailing to meet other people then what are they doing? If you're pvping you're sailing to go meet other people you plan on raiding or destroying. If you pveing you're sailing to somewhere where you want to see other players actively playing.

    Not everyone is as pessimistic as you.

    This is like complaining because the owner of a company decides to change things at work, you have zero say either way. Either get back to work or find a new job. The megas were outdoing you before, and they'll continue to out do you regardless of the changes, you have no say either way.

  9. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    Nah, small ships a couple hours, bigger ships a few hours 

    And it is the same 4 islands so if you go to the right servers you really only need to go to 4 😂

    And? the point is that people can explore different areas and meet other players or go and PVPVE.

    It doesn't matter if you personally want to live by easy islands. Other's aren't doing what you're doing.

    • Like 1

  10. The changes are fine.

    Everything they changed was for the better. It was extremely tedious before and wasn't even engaging enough or at all to call RiskVs.Reward.

    Sailing speed was too slow, building ships was too slow, and no one was using the content as intended. Now people can explore and PvP with their ships (the point of the game). 

    The skill system still sucks but at least they're helping by adding more points and levels. It makes no sense to have your tamer tame stuff only so no one can use it, atleast now you can eventually ride it when you've reached a high enough level to put points in it.

    The game never was and still isn't instant gratification. Tons of crap in the game is still tedious as hell that requires you to do nothing but grind for the next better thing.

    It's odd to see people say that people should spend more time hitting trees/rocks instead of sailing/exploring/pvping/pveing. The changes made the game better.

  11. No idea, some people even go as far as saying a sail in the back gives more speed Vs. a handling sail.

    Once again, I've seen nothing confirmed just people talking and ships with all sorts of variations. I'd like to figure this out as well.

  12. 3 minutes ago, archaegeo said:

    Come on, dont turn the MMO into Sea of Theives.

    The below notes just make it so there is no risk to sailing upwind, no need to learn to tack, no need for handling sails, sigh.

    The other patch notes are good fixes, but this is just giving into the whiners imho.

    - Sailing against the wind now provides 30% of with-the-wind sailforce, as opposed to 0%.
    - Also increased the amount of sailforce provided by minimum windspeed conditions by 30%, and the sailforce provided by maximum windspeed conditions by 15%

    I hate to say it but good game play is not sitting at your desk twiddling with your thumbs. 

    • Like 7

  13. 35 minutes ago, bluelance said:

    At max level you would either trade someone for an item you need if your solo, or have a friend learn different things from you. Plus you can also get blueprints for virtually everything but that would be a massive grind. But I suspect the respec will be removed once they are happy with the skills balance. Thus forcing you to either team up with others, confront others with violence, or resort to trading. Also there is a trading vessel but I do not know what they actually sell other than a dragon

    Blueprints require you to have specced in the tree, at this point you might as well craft it yourself unless it's a better quality version.

  14. It's just a horrible feature/design all around. We have ships, PvP and PvE where nothing about these random ghost ship mechanics fall in line with sailing a boat while PvPvE'ing. You can't sail because of those ships, you can't get somewhere and explore in a timely manner because of those ships, you can't make trade routes, you can't PvP because those ships are everywhere and you can't even PvE because those damn ships are everywhere.

    The ships themselves bring no good meaningful game play to the game. It's pure trash I hate to say it at this point.

    It turns a 4 hour ship ride into a 6-8 hour trip. At some point I'm getting more and more bored just sailing and trying to always avoid them.

    It sucks and really it serves no purpose to litter the maps like that with those ships. It serves no purpose to have them there period. The nerfs to the spawn rate, ranges and what ever did nothing to change the problem with those ships. It did nothing, there are these colorful ships side by side by side at every border with the magic reduction in the rates.

    What those ships did was cause players to not explore, go out and pvp, go out and trade or explore other parts of the island. Those ships didn't do anything to help make the game better. It instead completely annihilated any fun the game did have.

    It's 3am where I live and I was thinking I'd go gather some sap sailing from the tundra. What was supposed to be a few hours at 11 pm turned into a massive time sink of avoiding green/yellow/red ships everywhere on the map, everywhere.

    The ships suck, the mechanics suck, and the design around them sucks. 

    As I was sailing back 5 tiles of servers thinking to myself, "What the actual fuck am I even doing???? this sucks so incredibly bad at 100+ hours into the game" and I just didn't give a fuck anymore. Take the damn sloop with all the crap I spent the last few hours mindlessly hacking at. I just let that sloop roll right into the 5-6 green/yellow/red boats and logged out. I didn't even care anymore. 

    These ships are just horrible. Glad to of gotten at least 70+ hours of game play, too bad these ships just make the game too tedious to continue playing.

    Good thing it's EA right, be back when the kinks get worked out.

    • Like 6

  15. 5 minutes ago, Fusentast said:

    Yeah, thumbs up!

    I hope the dont nerf them so hard, that the become shit, and just another headless easy farm..

    There's no need to nerf them, but they shouldn't be spawning like no tomorrow. There's no reason why sailing should be just playing pac man on the seas.

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  16. If you patch, people complain.

    If you don't patch, people complain.

    There is no winning. I don't see the harm in either way to be honest. One way or another players are dealing with either not being able to log in, crashing, server issues when they paid for the game or players who aren't having any issues having to log out and back in.

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