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Everything posted by Jonsc

  1. So, i never had much problems with the games stability, but on the PTR i get "client kicked by battleeye - reason: client not responding" every 5 minutes. Additionally, after i login (no matter if i crashed or logged out) most of the times i cant access my inventory or any doors / interact with the world. The inventary opens for a split second, then closes again. Also, i get frequent memory related game crashes. Pretty annoying stuff tbh, right now the game for me (and other people in my company with exactly the same problems) on the PTR is not playable.
  2. Sorry, but what a bunch of BS. A couple of things made people quit playing this game, one of them was the offline-grief Meta. You build 5 galleons, the next day all of them got griefed with a single cannon bear and like 100 balls. There is nothing you can do to protect you from that. In a war you where checking until your enemy is finally ofline, then grief 40 ships. Fun and interactive. If you cry about the new system which is clearly designed to have more ship vs ship battles instead of stupid PVE offline griefing, you have not understood anything. Devs dont want a "who can spam more turrets" meta, so they made turrets weak. This enabled the offline griefing BS. The comming patch will fix that. Remember, you have to set a timeframe of 9 hours a day where you are vulnerable. Normal PVP. Just no more fucking offline griefing. I predict exploding player numbers after the patch. Atlas has the potential to become a great game, and the changes all head in a good direction for that. If you like the PVE offline griefing meta, go mesh in Ark. Like all the other 0-skillers.
  3. Guess somebody had the great idea to lock the HP at 5 while you "fly" in a terrain hole. So i am stuck in this stupid hole since hours, i cant die, and there is nothing i can do. Ah, and well... there doesnt seem to be any kind of ingame support.
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