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Sea Wolf

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About Sea Wolf

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  1. This bug is still not fixed. You still instantly and randomly die sometimes while using the climbing picks and it still deletes your corpse and all the items on it. It's not tied to a specific mesh. I've died to this multiple times in multiple locations and even managed to climb the exact same cliff that bugged in the same spot looking for my non-existent corpse without meshing. At least spawn us a corpse / item bag at the nearest point to the meshing death the game can, so we can at least get our stuff back.
  2. I even encountered one of their ships in a freeport region, near the border. I don't know if they're killing newbros on their rafts or not bcos I immediately turned my sloop 180* from the thing and bailed. Maybe someone can confirm
  3. So skill points got f*cked today pretty bad. Up until now I was enjoying solo play, ballin' around in my sloop, fragging kids with pistols and such, and dying to vitamin D*ickhead. It's not really viable anymore . Looking to join a good EU PvP official server company. English speaking and mature. TS or mumble is a huge plus, discord voice is meh. Minimal sperging on comms is a must. IGN: Sea Wolf I'm like level 19 atm. In terms of skill tree I'm probably going to go gunnery(pistols, grenades ect) and artillery later on. Let me know company size and rough-ish timezones if interested.
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