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Everything posted by sinBloo

  1. people are selling lawless zone land and needs to be stopped somehow, it is actually impossible to start playing the game for real because people have just put down foundations on all the lawless zones islands and are trying to get paid for the land. there should be something changed in the game so people stop capturing lawless zones! there is actually impossible to play the game with no land at all free to build on.
  2. Please stop players from placeing 1 and 1 foundations to claim whole lawless islands. Do anything! make it maybe breakable faster if it is not connected to more foundations or something. Ban players that do it? idk someone must have some good ideas? there is literally impossible to get started because of players claiming whole islands either with foundations or flags.....
  3. like I typed it is filled with capture flags and everytime I try taking it it is either still has upkeep or there is people sleeping in a house so it wont start capture, I also was up north in A1 and A2 and there is literally people just logging in once a day to keep up the claims with actually 0 buildings around.
  4. Please open another pve and pvp server or add more world to the existing servers. there is literally no space left to build, it is just filled with people either have spammed down as many capture flags as possible or foundations in lawless zones, so no one els can build on those islands. been driving around in my schooner for probably 30 hours trying to find a place I could capture or just with enough space for a large shipyard.
  5. Hello. I have now been playing since day one and currently have 75 hours ingame, my problem is I can't find a place to claim my own, every island i go to is either full or just 1 company that spammed claim flags all over it. It is impossible for me as a solo player to claim with current system and with no open space it makes it even worse. I don't know if there is already a cap of how many claim flags you can place, anyway I hope this will change so i am able to claim some land myself. btw I am playing on PVE so solo play would be easier.
  6. seems like i was just lucky that time because i got outrun by a ship just now, guess iam not getting away with a sloop. gonna just go with a raft.
  7. Yea it is kinda hard to notice/keep up with it, haha. still havent read it all.
  8. oh ok, yes makes sense. 40 hours played and dident know that before now, haha.
  9. I can't seem to recall reading anything about Sloop being automaticlly destroyed in freeport? this is the second time it have happend to me. I did anchor it, and i also tried to hide it the last time, if it was players that was ramming it with raft. Playing on PVE EU if it helps.
  10. hey. Army of the Damned needs a speed nerf, i have tried getting away with 3 sloop's now and all 3 have sunken fast, I have also tried with different sails and they still could keep up with me. I am literally hostage at a lawless island not able to get to any other island. guess I am trying to build another sloop and see if 2 speed sails is better.
  11. the last one i anchored at the freeport server, can ghost ship really go there?
  12. I made a sloop, logged out in the middle of the sea so no one would mess with it then found out that was a bad idea. made a new one and this time anchored it before logging out, now that i logged in it is sinked again just like the last one? took me 3-4 hours to make each one and kinda boring having to make a new one everytime i log in. EU PVE btw
  13. tbh the vitamin system is to much, it is really hard to get started when you need to get every single food resource in the game to get away from your starting island. it is also empty of fish since everyone needs it so bad, you cant use fishing rod since there is no sap/suger around on the island because everyone needs it. it really needs a change or removed.
  14. It worked when i logged in today but dident seem to get any yesterday. it might just have been very little xp that i dident even notice, hehe.
  15. I tried just running around and killing everything i saw but i dident seem to get any more xp then the usual over time exp. i am not lvl 8 yet btw.
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