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Posts posted by Widgit

  1. 1 minute ago, Hackjob said:

    I'm sure this game was designed for PvP and PvE server just to satisfy some of the masses. Things will need to be sorted but it will take time

    Not sure when "PvP" started to stand for griefing tho. Official PvP is just a grief and offline raid fest.  Same was true for Ark.  It isn't real PvP 90% of the time.  The most popular PvP servers in Ark were usually Arkpocalypse or Unofficial servers, where rates were dramatically increased over vanilla so that the constant grieving didn't have as much of a negative impact.

  2. Just now, Sulfurblade said:

    replace that image with a Galleon manned bye players and would you be saying they were too close to the shore or would you be saying maybe we should have prepared for that and built some sort of defenses!!! 

    As far as I know, the ships of the damned don't attack unless you attack them first or they were already targetting you out in the waters before you made landfall.  More defenses aren't necessary.  It does create an inability to leave land on anything larger than a raft, if you're as unlucky to have one spawn right next to your coast. So again, not sure what kind of point you're trying to make here.  It doesn't change the fact that this isn't supposed to be happening.  Starting to believe you're either trolling or grasping desperately at straws at this point.

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  3. I mean, if some people like the challenge of not being able to sail away from their base because a Ship of the Damned just decided to spawn next to their shipyard, more power to them.  That point is moot entirely, however, since this should not be possible to happen anymore after yesterday's patch.  It is not working properly and needs to be looked into.  Ships of the Damned should not be spawning in right next to the coastline.

  4. 1 minute ago, Sulfurblade said:



    That ship is sailing who know's where it spawned at....

    Okay dude.  You win.  Will you leave now?

    Oh and btw, it didn't sail to shore, they literally JUST reset the server and there it was.  But you know what? What do I know? You're obviously right.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sulfurblade said:

    How about instead of limiting content you I don't know Build some defenses!  the Large Gateways are very tall and make excellent boat houses to safe guard your ship!  And while your at it why not build a coastal fort with some guns to protect said harbor-age!   Why do we need to dumb the game down because people want to park there ships willy nilly and build ship yards in tactically dumb locations!!!

    Okay dude I'm not sure who pissed you off, this thread is more or less a bug report because, as I said, they've already patched this out of the game supposedly. Let me copy-paste from the patch notes for you:

    "- Ensured army of the damned ships spawn farther away from shore, and don't spawn too near player ships "

    So you see, this isn't a personal gripe, or me trying to "dumb the game down".  This is me reporting that part of the patch notes IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY.  So take your high-and-mighty attitude and go direct it elsewhere please.

  6. Just now, Sulfurblade said:

    Uhm why is that too close to shore???    Why should there be a mechanic that limits how close ships of the damned get to the shore?!?

    Because they literally just patched it yesterday to limit how close ships of the damned get to the shore, that's why there should be a mechanic.

  7. It's not just predatory spawns, its overall spawns in some areas.  I went to an island that, upon making landfall, I was swarmed by a pack of 5 wolves, 2 giant snakes, a rattlesnake, and 3 crocodiles.  I finally was able to leave that side of the island and find a more peaceful area, but even there, in every direction, herbivores were walking shoulder to shoulder, packed tightly in the trees, some of them unable to even path around each other properly.  This is a big problem that is also causing server stability issues, guaranteed.  I've ran plenty of ARK servers in the past to know that over spawn issues in certain maps can lead to server lag and crashing.  Plus its just ridiculous to play the game with it like that, and is very immersion-breaking.

  8. Just now, Lethality said:

    They already explained there is at least 2 years left of Early Access.. any and all of that stuff and more will change multiple times before "launch".



    Yeah man I get that, but it's called having some transparency. When everyone is constantly asking the devs to change something about their game and making constructive suggestions etc, it would be nice to at least get some acknowledgement about it.  If they don't want to do anything about it and they think it's perfect how it is, fine, but say so.  If they're not sure if it will remain the same in the future but they still don't know how to proceed just yet, fine, then say so.  But don't let all these players give feedback about it to a brick wall.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Bowtie said:

    Confirmed with several testers on Reddit -- Lighthouses are blocking MASSIVE areas from spawning resources. I tore mine down, the server lagged severely during the deconstruction, and then 30 seconds later our forests and rocks were back.

    Also, I'm noticing the shipyards on the shore are blocking resources from coming back; it looks to be about a 100 yard radius they affect.

    Please fix this! 

    This stuff needs to be fixed asap.  And if you're not going to change anything about how land claiming works, you need to make a statement about it.  Otherwise you should let us know you're looking into it.  So much stuff going on right now that's just absurd.

  10. Are there any plans to rework resource spawns to include more metal nodes? I've been through SO MANY sectors that either have no metal whatsoever, or very scarce.  Seems kind of silly for a resource that is needed for almost everything. And what's with there being zero sources of fiber in tundra biomes?  Is this being looked at?

  11. If ARK is any indication of the roadmap for this game,  they will "allow" these things to happen during early access, all the while patching out the discovered exploits and hacks over time. After they feel most of it has been patched out,  they will do targeted ban waves on abusers. Rinse and repeat until the end of Early Access, at which point they will hopefully have nullified most of the exploits, and will release NEW official servers, sending the corrupted early access servers into legacy status.

  12. 37 minutes ago, psykikk said:

    toxic communities are part of the fun of pve / mmo´s 

    Wrong.  Toxic communities are fun for a single demographic, the toxic community itself. And the worst part of it is, if it's allowed freely, it's a contagious sort of behavior that eventually consumes any decency from a community.  This is why some games out there grow more and more toxic over time, and eventually earn the infamy of being a game that "would be cool except I hear they have an insanely toxic community..."  I know you've heard that about other games before.  It becomes a reason why NOT to play a game, not a reason TO play a game.  As much fun as you think you're having, or as entertaining as you think it is, you need to understand that a toxic community is not anyone's friend, and will hurt the game, not help it.

  13. I like what you're trying to do here, and the claim system needs to be reworked for sure, but I think this suggestion is too elaborate and will add too much tedium. "Constant maintenance" is not a pretty phrase.  The solution could be far more simple.  Claims decay without structures in their vicinity, limit claims to something per player+per island, add a cooldown timer to claiming. Wipe all claims without any surrounding structures to finalize the changes.  There still could be issues with people having more than the new set limit of claims within the range of structures, but instead of wiping those, they could be put on a decay timer to eventually be removed.

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  14. I've been reading through many complaints, and while most of them are warranted, the number of complaints far outweigh the number of constructive suggestions to fix problems.  I'm no game designer, but I feel it's important to keep the dialogue constructive.  That said, here is my small list of suggested changes I feel might help change the game for the better.

    • Change the ratio of herbivores vs carnivores by about 1.5:1
    • Lower overall creature spawns by about 25%
    • Investigate overspawn issues in water and on land, eliminate overspawning (this, and the above suggestion, will help server performance considerably).
    • Increase harvest rates slightly, 2x base rates would be acceptable (this is pretty much the standard in ARK official now, with their constant events).
    • Cut vitamin drain by about 25%, leave hunger and water drain as is.
    • More sources of fresh water, or a wider variety of methods earlygame to acquire water other than X+LMB, throughout the islands.
    • Allow 1 claim flag per island per player, maybe include a 30 minute cooldown.  Increase claim radius to double current size to compensate.
    • Make all crafting stations have a company lock/pin-code function.
    • Lower raft durability drain by about 20%.  Other ships are fine, rafts die way too quickly in my opinion.
    • Allow beds to function in Lawless territory.  Keep the current decay rate.
    • Investigate and eliminate ocean respawn points.  Yesterday I spawned deep in the middle of the ocean several times, surrounded by eels and whales.
    • Along with the previous suggestion, add a 'safety' timer to prevent wild creature attacks while players are loading into a zone, so they don't find themselves dead upon loading.  This already exists in ARK.

    As I said, I'm no game designer, and I don't think all my suggestions are perfect.  Maybe some aren't even viable solutions.  The goal here is to have a constructive discussion about problems the playerbase is having, and giving solutions/suggestions rather than just rage.  All other suggestions or criticisms are welcome here.

  15. 1 hour ago, Hary0n said:

    True. I mean - that is what the game is about. Figting over a land or living on others "property".

    Just sad that smaller 2,3,4 friends parties won't stand a chance.

    Hope devs will make it a bit more difficult to keep huge amounts of land. 

    We will all finish on huge megas wars and they are going to crash the casuals.

    But remember - 3 months now a lot of this people will just leave the game probably.

    If the entire basis of this game is to fight other players for land and resources, WHY DO THEY HAVE PVE SERVERS?

  16. This engine is UE4 and based off of Ark, official PVP servers will be filled to the brim with glitchers, cheaters, hackers, dupers, and griefers.  I am so sorry if you didn't know.  One thing though, don't blame the asian players, they don't have their own servers to play on, and they also won't be the only ones hacking the game... guaranteed.

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