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Everything posted by Darkangel034

  1. @warhealer yes, it is in early access, but that doesnt mean things cant be broken. I expected them to be. I made this post to point them out so the devs can fix them for the betterment of the game, not to bash it. This is the suggestions forums and im pretty sure thats what its for. I want the game to do well. Thanks for your input.
  2. i do like that idea, there needs to be some sort of reputation system to keep people from just murdering for the sake of murder
  3. Ok as ive played this for a while and there a bunch of issues that need to be fixed. The game is in a pretty bad state overall as of launch. although some parts are fun the games systems dont work well together to create a good overall game. They have a bunch of small features that work ok on their own but together its a mess. I will try to be as detailed as i possibly can. I wont touch on server issues in this review. CLAIMS: The current claim system right now is very broken. It promotes zerging and doesnt require much thought. There should be requirements to placing a claim. Gather materials to build one, Or gaining gold to buy one by doing treasure hunting mssions. You need to have something in place that doesnt allow large guilds to take over a bunch of islands just because they have 50 people while also being fair enough for small guilds to prosper. Conquering of other people's claims should also be a something that has a clear way of working towards doing. Like building a flag that you can plant on the center of the claim and the defenders have to destroy to defend their claim. Gaining land should be an investment and it should grow over time. Life is feudals claim system worked really well and i think something similar would work here. ANIMALS: currently there are to many animal spawns on islands. You can barely even craft without being chased by 5 wolves. The alpha spawns are also crazy. Finding 4-5 alphas on a beach should not be happening. RESOURCE SPAWN: the way resources are distriubted on islands make the game sooo difficult to progress. Some islands have literally no iron or fiber which is key to progress and there is no Incentive to trade and be friends with other players. Each island needs to have acess to some of each resource. There are some islands that have a balance of all you need while some are forced to struggle with nothing. This creates an imbalace in a world where at least on the pvp servers is every man for himself. Give islands better resource distribution so you can progress at a decent rate even if you island doesnt have as much of a resource. FOOD AND VITAMINS: currently its easier to just die than eat. cooked food rsstores like no hunger, and making meals through cooking have no recipes that are accesible at lower levels. Unless you dont have a bed , dying is always easier than find food and paying attention to vitamins. NO PIRATE EXPERIENCES IN EARLY GAME: as a game that markets itself as a pirate mmo there are no epic adventures for treasure early on. In my 30 hours of play i havent found any treasure maps or anything. It just feels like a survival game with boats. Grinding for resources all day to build boats with no objectives to sail to. We need treasure map vendors or increased spawns of them. The rewards dont have to be epic all the time. I would be happy with finding 200 metal or guns ans weapons. Make expoloring more interesting. Lack reasons to not kill on sight. on pvp servers there isnt reason to not kill a stranger. There isnt much point to trading. And with no reputation system people will just kill you for shits and giggles. In the game, most encounters are pvp. There is no way to build the kind of trading communities this way. Its just an all out war all the time. GOOD INSENTIVES FOR SEA PVP Without there being trade packs or treasures there isnt a real reward to fight someone at sea except for just wanting to fight. Sea of theives did a good job creating incentive for players to fight at sea. If a ship is around then it will prob have Bunch of treasure. Here there arent many valuables on a ship except for some resources they may have gathered. Adding trade packs whose rewards scale with the distance traveled would be amazing and very valuable. Overall these are some of the main issues with the gameplay. I feel like if these ard fixed the game would be fun.
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