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Everything posted by Calmf

  1. So... There is a lot of fight for land on where we live, however, like 3/4 of one of the island are owned by 4 companies that stopped playing long ago... They don't have upkeep timer, they even stopped playing way before the upkeep was even released, but they have sleeping body on stone building. They stopped playing long ago, but there is no way to claim their lands, I would suggest adding some kind of slow decaying for sleeping people. Something like a few days sleeping would let the person starve to death, unless someone from his company feeds him, or something like that. This is probably not a problem in PVP since you can just raid and kill, however in PVE nothing can be done about it. I see people complaining about lands, but there is a great lot of land that can not be claimed, and is totally not being used.
  2. So, I went to bed yesterday, logged in now, someone stole my claim and all my stuff (my storage become theirs) Is this really suppose to be ths way? I just lost all my progress on a PVE server because someone took advantage me and my friend were off-line?
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