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Everything posted by Josh02022

  1. Update: Found out what was causing it You cant be on shore with your raft Or it blocks the spawn for some reason so just take it a little bit out in the water and it should work!
  2. my bed is on my raft it worked before but now it just wont let me spawn.
  3. Wont let me edit this but i see what u mean now.
  4. If your talking about Freeports(im assuming since u said fresh player) you can choose the island to spawn on or location on a island in the top right. N,E,S,W but currently if u die on a freeport your body will disappear. Hopefully this is what you meant unless there is a way to spawn on the island you sailed to which i dont know about? Or if your talking about lawless regions im assuming u can do the same thing(never bothered with lawless since freeports are easier)? Hopefully i helped u somewhat lol but i dont know what your referring to as i never had that problem.
  5. As the title says i died and cant spawn on my bed and i just finished sailing for 3 hours, It not that i cant see the bed on the map to spawn on but when i try to spawn on it it does not load into the game it puts me in a white screen then back into the choose spawn location map. Anyone know anyway around this Besides "Start Sailing again"? all help is appreciated I have also restarted my pc,game,steam Etc and still cant.
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