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Everything posted by Bashka

  1. Just a few quick thoughts for now: 1. Bear- left click attack is basically useless (unless I am missing something)- it is much slower and does lower damage than the right click, doesn't harvest anything (except hide and meat, but this is also doable with the right click and that way you get more). I think, that because of it being slower than the right-click it could have higher damage output (at higher stamina cost?). It could also be a "sickle" attack for harvesting fiber and ignoring berries. I understand that the idea of making berry nodes separate from the fiber nodes was to allow you to harvest one without the other, but the reality is that these nodes are usually mixed together or very close to each other, so it is very hard (or at some locations impossible) to harvest them that way, so a dedicated fiber harvester could be very useful, especially considering how important and widely used this resource is. 2. Chickens- they should run away faster. Have you ever tried to catch a running chicken? It would be also good, if the eggs were obeying gravity and sliding off sloped roofs/ramps- this would make the egg collection much easier. 3. Cows- female cows have a saddle slot, yet don't use saddles. I don't think they should, but it is sometimes difficult to park them where you want them to be. Maybe adding some kind of a leash or bait could do the trick? something that will keep them following you very closely when held, so you can maneuver them easier to those tight barn stalls 4. Shieldhorn- currently not really worth the effort put into taming them. Granted, they take heavily reduced damage, but their damage output and stamina use makes them pretty useless in battle, unless their single purpose is to be mobile weapon platform for the players. It would be cool if they had also some additional PvE application- perhaps a very short range (I'm thinking here something about maybe 500-600 units?) melee damage reduction buff, so when they are parked nearby creature which is being tamed, the feeding player will take less damage when hit.
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