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Harry Bosch

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Posts posted by Harry Bosch

  1. U guys forgot one thing about wolves - when they didnt kick you, u are stucked in them -.-


    we are on a island with Wolves and vultures and a lot of other predators.    Sometimes i survive the wolves with low hp, but than comes this vultures and give me the rest -.-

    The Combination of all its painfull. 

    We tamed a few Wolves, but thats not rentable from timespanding, Tamed tiers are despawning (no kill message when we got online)  or get kill from alphas or larger Packs.

  2. Haha i play alot of games in the last 20 years, and only in eve its like in Atlas, but in Eve the World its not so "tiny" 

    Other Massive multiplayer Games having a existing Economy

    Economy in Atlas? lol not existing.  Its possible to farm all the stuff self in the near



    rofl du dont understand me, i play with other guys together, but not with hundreds, i like it more 20-30 people and not hundrets or thousands, thats the only point at the moment u stay alive to play in a zerg alliance

    Outnumbered isnt fun pvp, best pvp its ship vs ship battle or 2 vs 3 ships or so.  So skill its important, and not mass pvp

  4. At PvP servers this game has nothing to do with pirate feeling.   only same speaking people  claim alot of clusters. And get mass pvp.

    Ok its possible to join this companys/alliances to survive this.

    But u join the home clusters or something and the complete cluster its full of people.  Lags and rubberbanding at the most time.

    I like pvp, but not the mass company/alliance shit.



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  5. 2 hours ago, foulblade said:

    You're kidding I hope. I was speced into swords and armor and a naked with a bow could kill me every time. Trying to hit him while he is running and jumping mid air shooting arrows like robbin hood is unacceptable. Melee needs a faster animation and to not stop you from moving while slicing. 

    thats not a problem for melee, its problem from ranged balance at the moment

    • Confused 1

  6. U can still Learn 2 things maxed and a lot of things on a early Stage.  As Possible.   Shipmans + arterllery + survival down for more effective vitaminsdrain,  + fire arrows, construction a few things and beastmastery for riding tier 2 and a lot of other small things for crafting common consumables.   So u need only 4-5 People to craft anything !

  7. Fire Arrows must be deflected when u wearing Plate armor,  i mean its only a stonearrow with a bit fire.

    The best option would be,  a long animation for Ignite the Arrow,  or u had a fire near you so u can reload and Put E for faster firing, but u are stationary. That would Nerf the Fire Arrows in the right way

  8. its not the map size.


    The claim system its the problem.

    At the moment its so the map its claimed from first days where was easy to mass claimed.


    The Game needs more Stratetical Claimplacements with a low amount of claims.


    To claim a complette entire island (not a small or a tiny one)  must be a process over weeks

  9. The Game Idea its Great, and i like whats possible, ahead its decide what the Players does.


    But.  The Game need a few adjustments


    Here my Idea:

    In each cardinal direction of the Map its need a few Resources that only spawn there, and didnt count like a other one - like thatch its fiber etc. I mean real unique Zone based ressources that will be needed in medium to high tiers.

    This will Improve the Players will be trading, others ones will be Pirates to get this ressources, other ones will be a Company like a Patrol Marine.


    But this will be only working when mass claiming will be change to claim 1-2 claims.  The claimpoints u can upgrade for a increased Radius


  10. 1 minute ago, Surviving Wag said:

    You are talking about the Freeports 😉

    Wherever land is claimed, you can put your flag and just claim the claimed land which will lead to a completely different problem

    Just 1 flag per person.. maybe a 2nd when reaching lvl 100.. but having unlimited flags is a pain

    i didnt talk a about freeports,  Freeports u cant have a Dockyard, its only lvl 8 etc, no pvp etc.  its have a lot of restrictions.   I talk about real player citys and real piratery, trading etc

  11. What i miss in Atlas its Neutral Player City´s.  So anyone can come up for trading,  or buy a Ship, or buy the rights on the dockyard for craft one. or or or.

    I think a lot of player ahead Beginners would wish to find a friendly Player city or something where other Players offer a Ship for Trading or Work for that.

    And the best thing for trading would be, its gives Ressources ingame thats only spawns 2-3 in the East, 1-2 in the North East, 2-3 in the North... etc..

    But only when companys have a small amount of claims.

    This Things will promotes real Piratery, real trading, real companys there will be like a Security Marine, and and and 🙂

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