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Everything posted by zRni

  1. I see, hope the devs see this topic as something needs to be done, its a waste of time building a boat. when the game is meant to be about boats lmao
  2. Was parked right next to the island we built it on lmao Was parked right next to the island we built it on lmao
  3. So for 6 hours of farming with a group of 8 people we managed to build a schooner last night finishing at around 5AM on the 25th of Dec, it’s now 14:40PM on the 25th of Dec and the ship has sunk itself from decay having been anchored the entire time. In a time span of 10 hours the ship has gone from full health to 0 on every panel. As said above for 50 of each main material one panel can be repaired from half to full, each ship has approx 30 panels. Meaning every 5 hours a team needs to farm 1500 of each material just to keep the ship docked by their base? Im assuming there is something wrong here or we’ve done something wrong as this is not sustainable for a pirate game where ships should be able to stay at sea for a span of weeks not 5 fucking hours Please anyone info help out and let us know how we’re are supposed to sustain our ship
  4. wondering about the aggressiveness of ship decay, each panel needs to be fully repaired every 8 hours ish for a schooner this is around 6k of wood, thatch and fibre per repair. We can’t play the game if all we have to do is farm mats, any way to slow this decay down? considering the ship needs around 20k of each mat to make the upkeep is insane for the price of making it
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