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Everything posted by Sckiz1

  1. Hi and thank you for everything you have given so far. Please can you make the Gamepad fully useable for the Games UI as its current state is quite unbearable. At times crouch and prone do not work also the skills menu is hard to interact with as the left analogue does not highlight what you want to select properly. I really need this as its becoming unenjoyable to have to keep swinging between mouse and controller. Also and this is a major request can you simplify a method of getting water as there is an increase in player death as it is hard to collect the method you have which is proning and digging with hands although interesting is a nightmare the controller does not even complete the task when your in the minigame where you have to stop the bar in the white space. I'm really not enjoying the game in its current state and hope that these improvements are implemented soon. Kind regards Sckiz1
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