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About GamerNoms

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  1. Hoping someone is willing to help me take a stab at making a better map. I kind of started one... prob needs better color schemes and etc... but the current one out there is awful. Ideal map would capture: Freeport vs. Lawless (noted as "F" and "L" on the psd) Powerstone island or not (only found 1 so far, you'll see a gem icon on the psd) LVL Range of creatures on the island (only noted for the powerstone island) Region (Temperate vs Desert, etc. My current color scheme is gross) Island Name (haven't spent the time yet) Other notes? Maybe its easier for someone to start from scratch.. maybe not. Attaching my PSD and a JPEG output if that's helpful. I know a web map would probably be far more helpful with layers... but I'm not a good coder so I'm hoping this could be a helpful start maybe. AtlasWorldMap.psd
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