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Bloody Blackjack

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Posts posted by Bloody Blackjack

  1. I had 30 cannons mixed large and medium, A dozen swivels. and close to 30 or more puckles on a harbor.. And dudes walked in and flame arrow boats at will. all they gotta do is find one blind spot while naked. then when they have a path in, come in with the arrows, stand in one place and burn all your boats. SO lazy has shit to do with it. Its broken.


    Also that costs like 2-3k gold a day if you include youre boats crew and land battlements so yeah. i can make 300 fire arrows and a ramshackle. in about 30 minutes and be back to your harbor in an hour, sinking more of your boats. GG EZ


  2. I have been spawned in the middle of a giant flesh totems in the middle of the ocean. spawned in the middle of the ocean in a pool of sharks, another in a pool of electric eels. I was glitched and couldnt enter na pvp for hours. then my character was reset to lvl1 once. and then again... then spawned int the middle of an island so full of crocodiles could barely move... On this crocodile island i managed to live until i build a raft.... seeing i cannot respawn in any kind of logical way.. no death was the only way..... so i sailed my raft, picked up my partner and sailed for hours.... just to see one island after another full of claim flags already..... Okay so finally get to an island thought was abandoned... when i was killed by a wolf i respawned on my bed and some dude was on it looking through my campfire... i beat him to death with my fists despite the arrows he plunged into my chest.... and i died from the elements..... then i could not respawn on my raft bed.... then i tried to change home servers to one closer to my raft because the bed now dont work.... and my account went to character creationg... now i have no levels.... no raft... no company... and im on these fucked up starter islands again that dont even have resources to make a new damned raft...... And 100s of other people are having the same crap happen... and yet some few players are sneaking through the hell and flourishing... building large boats already.... How is this at all okay???            The servers need to be wiped... Launch got fucked up... okay... it was a rough start.... but really? other dudes get to make huge boats and claim whole islands... and we are screwed because of all the server launch hell.... Its not okay.

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