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Everything posted by [616]RexFortis

  1. crickets...….. everyone thinking "dang, that's me!"
  2. Is Atlas A Game Exclusively for Recluses? The Japanese call it a "Hikikomori". When I saw this video, I immediately thought of the game Atlas.
  3. The other phenomenon on Steam is the "monkey-see-monkey-do" phenomenon. There are some very promising games on Steam but the pinhead players will not play them because they have a player population of ZERO, and so the end result is all the pinheads are playing garbage games like Atlas and any of the other Top 20 games on Steam.
  4. Only the very young would think any of the games on Steam are good games.
  5. Here's the real problem, the real problem is not only is Atlas a horrible game - almost ALL of the games on Steam are horrible games. It's quite the phenomenon really. And that's the only reason Atlas has any player base at all, simply because ALL of the games on Steam are equally as bad. ...
  6. Atlas is a really REALLY bad game just simply because there's no land to settle on and you have to sail for HOURS and HOURS just to find that out. It's mind boggling to me why anyone would play it. I give Atlas a 1 out of a 10 - one of the worst games I've ever played out of hundreds of titles.
  7. This idea should be much more than just a "suggestion" - it should be an EMERGENCY implementation because you have THOUSANDS of players which you will soon never see again that need land. We need some fuking land! Well, then I'll keep bringing up the topic every day for the next 3 years.
  8. You might want to educate yourself on the term "trolling". There is nothing negative about the term whatsoever. Just because a herd of idiots think it does, doesn't make it so (even if they number in the millions).
  9. You should learn that nobody reads walls of text - NOBODY! Nobody! Keep it short and master the art of forum trolling.
  10. It's true though, if the ship's name was NKVD Joseph Stalin (a man who killed 3 times as many innocent people as Hitler) then he wouldn't have said a word because he hasn't been brainwashed to do as such - and we can blame that on our communist liberal mass media.
  11. Nazi this, Nazi that.....stfu. I'm sick of the wannabe heroes who want a pat on the back "oooh, ooohh, ooooh, ooohh, look, look, look, I found a racist, I found a Nazi, I found a bad guy, oooh, ooh, look, aren't you proud of me? I found one, I found one! look, look!"
  12. Nice, so you're fearful of my idea because your Top 10 company could lose all of its flags if it loses its capital?
  13. ...unless of course you folks like a stagnant boring game then keep it as it is. I wouldn't even call it a "game" really, more like a pretty chat/social program.
  14. If there's 150 people at the capital (not capitol, as capitol is a building) then that's a bad time to invade. Need to invade when they don't have so many defenders online. Could also limit the max size of a company to 75.
  15. There is no feedback here. My idea is genius, and that's all there is to it.
  16. When you're a God like me, you don't follow the rules nor tradition, but you create them.
  17. ahhhh, yes. Easy answer - Burned! Up in fire and smoke. I'd like to see that animation from afar - would be killer! Imagine the smoke in the sky? Would be beautiful.
  18. ...and I'll say it again. It's beyond your comprehension because you're a social creature and lack the tactical mind of a military general. That's why you can't comprehend it.
  19. That's because you lack a strategic and tactical mind. You're more of a social creature than a tactical general. Someone like you would need the guidance of a military leader to succeed in a Capital Flag system.
  20. Additionally, when a company loses its Capital Flag, a notice will flash up at the top of EVEYRONE's screen saying "so-and-so lost their capital flag in sector A6, 78 flags lost". This way everyone would know they can run there for some land grab and would create mini-games within a game as everyone tries to grab some land. It would effectively annihilate a large company and truly force them to start over. This is exactly what Atlas needs.
  21. That's because you lack a strategic and tactical mind. If Capital Flags were introduced then you could ally with other smaller companies such as yourself and attempt to take out the big bully company in your region with a devastating and crucial blow to their capital - but not at all possible under the current rules, instead what we have is stagnation and something that doesn't feel like a game whatsoever.
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