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About DevinStorm

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  1. Teach and Goldfish, I feel you both but there is so many other things you could do instead, for instance instead of just eating just strawberries you can cook certain foods to give you different boosts. The realism would be keeping the hunger and hydration portion of the GAME. We want to be pirates not pirates eating constantly and worrying about eating our vitamins (Hulk Hogan voice) BROTHER.
  2. K so here is my take on the game so far. The survival portion of this game is way to harsh. The whole keeping up vitamin levels, hunger, and hydration is way to much and takes away from the game. Suggestion get rid of the whole vitamin thing that is straight trash, its ok to worry about hunger and hydration but I don't want to waste 80% of the game farming for just certain food to keep my vitamin lvls up. Next I know at some point you will have the added quests IE; hunting for treasure chests and going thru dungeons and what not, but as of right now it feels like a Ark DLC. (basically ark islands with a ton of water) Suggestion post a road map of when the added quests or whatever you want to call them will be added, we need more transparency. The launch was bad but not as bad as say Ark when you first launched that in early access or Conan Exiles only difference there was WAY more hype for this game and WAY higher expectations due to the trailer. Last I love the concept and like most I was hyped because of the TRAILER now would be the time for devs and community leads to lay down a road map to get the game to the trailer point. The gaming community is so ready for a game just like the trailer and I know that there is a plan for at least 2 years of development (early access) to get the game to that point but we need a road map and pace plan. I know I'm just a small time streamer and what not but I have a lot of experience with pushing planned events and communications, if you would like to talk more let me know I'm not that far from your HQ in Seattle. (I would love to sit down and help you lay out a pace plan/road map free of charge)
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