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Posts posted by mattcscz

  1. 15 minutes ago, ave26 said:

    How can you play for a year and not know this is the worst way to tame an elephant? Get a fucking bear and bola the elephant while sitting on it. You dont need pens, it makes them buggy. Also ure feeding it from the WRONG side.  I've never had any issues with taming an elephant and i tamed dozens since last christmas. Not even gonna talk about devs, this gif was frustrating enough, seeing how bad u are after a year of playing.

    The point of the gif was to illustrate a basic fundemental of irregularities between client and server which is beyond easy to fix but given such little effort to rectify; the penn in this situation is irrelevent, these sorts of things are littered throughout Atlas, the annoying thing isn't taming an elephant but the fact the game could be one of the best in existence with a little TLC.


    Also your contrast of support is somewhat strange, you're agaisnt it in other posts but aggressive and defensive in another; you literally agree with my post in another reply, are you okay? " Probably working on another game. Almost a year and there are still so many huge issues which were there at day one. This game is unfixable. Sad, I was so hyped about Atlas. "

    • Thanks 1

  2. I've played atlas now for a year and you know what? I love it, however...


    What really suprises me and annoys me about Atlas is that at its core, it's amazing, it's an amazing concept and is excuted in a way that allows memorable and fun player moments, which nearly every single game released to date misses, but what really purplexes me is how programmers can constantly mess up and write bugs for something extremely trival, I'm curious to question if Grapeshot QA actually exists. As somebody who has released multiple AAA titles, it confuses beyond the point of belief, it can't be, yet seems so plausible.


    For example, trying to tame an Elephant. What really seems weird in this gif is that the client seems to think that feeding the Elephant is completely possible (it's highlighted and an option), yet when I press E nothing happens, I move a little closer and the Elephant hits me, so what is really happening here? My general thought is the client and the server are NOT aligned but I get hit at the correct points, so to my disbelief it is literally down to extremely poor client or server programming, how does a game that makes $100m allow this to happen? literally any kid on a computer science course could write this better and shows either a huge discompassionate attitude toward the games or just the inability to do it correctly, which is truely sad.



  3. 2 minutes ago, ArchieVision said:

    Old flags that were placed before the 7.2 patch are glitched and anyone can come and challenge them. And in 10 minutes, they will take your flag.  

    To correct this, replace all flags placed before 7.2 patch. New flags cannot be challenged. 


    Will I have to wait 10mins for it to erect? Would my land be at risk in that time?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hackjob said:

    Are you trying to place a flag already on your territory or new territory?

    I'm just trying to protect my territory, as people keep trying to claim it, but when I try to claim others, sometimes it says they've recently done "upkeep" so I can't even attempt to claim it

  5. Hey guys,


    Have a question, sometimes on territory it won't allow me to place a flag at all, and say's there's "Flag upkeep" recently, how do I also protect my area? Because people can still place flags even know we have a large establishment.




  6. Can't seem to claim any land andmore, and due to the dumb system one player owns an entire island, Iv'e now visited 15 islands to see each completely populated by 1 person and can no longer contest claims since the patch..

    Pleeeeeeeease limit the amount one person can claim and expand it over time OR by guild size, it's such a silly mechanic with 0 thought put into it

  7. So, we spent hours making a boat...



    Finally escape the most cancerous island known to man, sail off, enjoying the game for once, find a new island, a storm spawns ontop of us, make it to shore, dock up the boat, tornado spawns one shots the boat, can't repair it.... Doesn't seem so fun and really bad design choice...

    • Like 1

  8. Hey,


    WE've left the tutorial island, sailed for 30 mins~ to a new island and new it's still saying we must leave the island? Found 3 discoveries and in the "lawless" zone, but we're still locked to level 8?

    How to get past?


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