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Everything posted by Deadwoodjack

  1. So I accidentally left my company I'm a solo player so it was just me and now I'll my work I've did is gone can't use my ships or rafts but I plan to take the claim back once the upkeep is gone I'm on pve how does that work when I try to pla e the flag my old company things says it has recent upkeep or whatever and it's in the negative counting up like - 60,950 something and going up will I be able to reclaim it how long does the upkeep stay before its gone??? Really appreciate any help with this lost almost 3 days of grinding.
  2. So I'm solo and was trying to do something and I kicked myself outta my company while trying to do something is there no way to get my house and ships back did I just fuck myself and lose 3 days of work??
  3. I hope they fix it so mad I couldn't even spell right if I had know beds were broken I'd stayed and built up supplies more but now I can't get back to my boat so hopefully it's there when they fix the beds.This needs to be a top priority honestly
  4. Can't respawn on my bed spend four hours in game got across see and died of vitamins loss and now I can't get back to my boat. Will this get fixed asap
  5. Ohh like a actually skill tree line OK I got you ill have to check it out then
  6. I suppose your talking about fortitude correct if it really helps slow it then I'll give it a try but still is frustrating to keep up with
  7. Idk what your talking about I'm in the Freeport gathering supplies and I'm starving because my vitamins are all full but I can't eat Casue I'll die faster they need to remove it completely and just have eating like ark
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