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Everything posted by Yasuno

  1. Dunno how your logging in with a 7.0 client, and a 6.2 version server lol. If you are trying to manual connect through a favorited steam server then that is why it is timing you out.
  2. The problem is, I can't see any unofficial servers in the list now lol. Not my own, or anyone elses.
  3. How do we get the latest server version 7.0? What was the point of adding the anonymous steamcmd package if it's never updated lol. @Jatheish
  4. Use the new google drive link provided by a user on the last page for the 6.11 update if you are not using steamcmd.
  5. That is actually done in the ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json file.
  6. Are you running other grids? Each map grid need's its own server instance running for them to see each other. And yes, since it is a freeport it is limited to level 8. There is a flag or setting some where to let you raise the freeport level. But I can't remember where atm. So many undocumented settings atm lol.
  7. I havne't confirmed yet. But according to SteamDB the server via steamcmd appears to be public now. If you open it, it says public. I will try it in a sec.
  8. The steam sockets failed on mine, but there are 25 people in my server so that error can be ignored.
  9. I ended up watching that guys twitch posted earlier in the topic and watched him for like 3 hours before he and all of us viewers got through it together. Go to his channel, click videos tab and watch the VOD of his previous session if it is available. He might still be streaming not sure. There are a lot of steps to get it working tbh bc the default example is not really the best thing to go off of. My question: Is the player data stored in the ocean.atlas file, or is it stored in this redis db. It is not clear where it is stored at all really.
  10. Yeah, that didn't change it for me. It is stuck showing "Atlas_B1"
  11. I can't seem to even set the Server Name, no clue where it is reading it from.
  12. I managed to get passed that error and it finished loading all the way. But I don't see my server in the unofficial server list.
  13. Yeah I got it to finally load the game data and connect out to steam sockets, but then that error popped up for me to after it loaded everything. Looks like some hard coded values in here or something?
  14. NVM, I was able to generate the ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json file via the ServerGridEditor tool.
  15. You just launch the built in redis server included in the folders (if you are on Windows) and the game server connects to it.
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