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Everything posted by Ixel

  1. I heard you can't join 6.2 servers if you have 7.0, so that's a huge problem if they don't roll it out to unofficial.
  2. The files will likely be out of date now since there's just been an update.
  3. I've mentioned Jat on the Discord so hopefully he'll get the ping and update this thread with the latest server files for the imminent update.
  4. Fairly sure that it must be stored on the redis if it's in a cluster.
  5. Or completely remove the shipping paths for now altogether, it's because they are outside of the 2x2 map if you used that template. But yeah, redoing them will fix it too.
  6. I hope they don't forget to update the link here to the latest version that's about to release.
  7. As per thread title, was wondering if there's such a setting that either the team or someone here can advise me of? I think they extend way too far at the moment.
  8. I had an incorrect password setup on one of the database connections.
  9. Regarding that error, I think I got round that by deleting the shipping path (in the small grid example file) that was outside of the four maps. The other error I had was simply due to me forgetting to change one of the passwords for redis. All four servers are now online for me, except every time I join I keep getting asked to install Battleye even though it's installed.
  10. Apparently I can't edit my previous post so I'll have to make a new one. I've got around the above issue, however I have a new problem.
  11. Anyone know what you should set for '"DatabaseConnections": null' ? I'm guessing I have to put the localhost IP (if all servers are on the same machine)? All I get is "Failed To to load or parse entries from ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json", yet the file is there and hopefully configured fine. I fear that something has been missed in the Wiki's explanation.
  12. @JATHEISH I'd like to say huge thanks for the work your developers are putting in, I know some of us must sound a bit impatient but releasing the dedicated server files will help greatly while issues with playability on the official servers are sorted out! Thank you again! I hope the files here will be updated as and when they are needed to be, until a Steam repo is setup. I'll be setting up a small cluster of 2x2 on my server hardware today.
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