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Posts posted by Caldrin

  1. I would not think so servers are supposed to support up to 40k players or well close to that anyway.. pretty sure they are not currently get close to those numbers so no need for new servers.

  2. I am sure we will see more balancing with the flame arrows but they were way to powerful.

    1. Rafts are supposed to be a pos to steer haha..
    2. Why does it make no sense ?
    3. Yeah would like to be more weather effects.
    4. Yeah in the desert full set of cloth should do you for the nights really.

  3. Sounds like this is not really the game for you.. What really got myself and my clan into this was the fact that we could all be part of the crew of the ship like we had in another game we played called Darkfall.. Working as a team to make the ship work as well as possible.. now if a single person could man and run a big ship it would spoil what the game is.

    A pirate was not a single person stealing from companies..  It was a boat filled with a pirate crew each of them individuals. 

    If you want a pirate game that has ships controlled by a single person check out Naval Action its also a very good game.

  4. You can also attempt to find  the fountain of youth but I guess that's going to be in a really hard area. 

    But the system is not in place yet and I am sure they will give us all the info we need before they put the system in place.

  5. I am sure it will get rebalanced at some point.. they went from one extreme to the other haha they need to sit some place in the middle.

    Still there are a few suggestions in the suggestion section of these forums so jump into one of those and show your support.. maybe the devs will look into one of them.

  6. Yeah I am really not a fan of the system.. 

    For me I think it needs to be removed I know they were trying to make it harder for people to move around so much but its a bad system and means I have to keep thinking about eating different types of food instead of enjoying the game.

    Plus most people just kill themselves and respawn.. so yeah pointless 🙂

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