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Jean Lafitte

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Posts posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. 16 minutes ago, Dags said:

    You seem to be forgetting that us players are going to be able to breed, die at 100 and take over one of our children down the road also. I personally don't see a problem with this myself as I'll either find friends to run it or die and be reborn.

    I did not forget. Breeding WILL be added. It is not now. Until that time, I'm being punished for not participating in content.

  2. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    Some amount of logic is required.  If you build a structure on land, that land is owned by the company.  If you decide you dont want to be with that company WHY would you want to live on their land to start with

    Ummm, because you built that structure and it should be yours???  Just like all the resources YOU collect should be YOURS.  All the ships YOU build should be YOURS.  If the company chooses to tax what you collect, fine. Then you're willing to give a portion of what you've gathered to support the company but everything else is yours to keep.  In your case though, you're no better than a slave with everything going to the plantation.  And I can even make the argument that you've been brainwashed by the company to the point that you even LIKE it.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    All of that depends on the company.  Some companies have the settings set so if you build it, it is YOURS, if you tame it, it is YOURS.   If you decide you want to leave let them know they may let you just take what you have and go.  It is just like all of the other things, if you dont leave on good terms you can be damned sure you are leaving with nothing. 

    I believe you're mistaken. There are no settings I've seen in this game (yet) that indicates that what a player builds belongs to them when they're in a company.  The owner of the company owns it all.  And I have tested  (a week or two ago, this may have changed) with others the ability to intentionally give ships to individuals and it didn't work.  Structures have no ability to give away, you can only do so by dropping claim flags.  Do you seriously think a company will allow someone to take one of their claims simply because they want to leave the company?

    The terms of my company? It's mine, whether I'm on good terms with myself or not.

    As you may have guessed by this post and possibly others, I am not one to keep my mouth shut and I'll be damned if I'm going to parse my words with the threat of being back in a freeport on a raft if I don't.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    I am part of a larger company, I am not forced to gather materials for them.  I have built a Schooner, 2 sloops, 3 buildings (gun towers and a fort) and gone and helped defend.  At no time did they force me to do anything.  They have left me completely alone to do whatever I want.   Most of my day I sail around on one of my 2 sloops and get treasure maps for myself to do.  Or I go hunting SotD in my Schooner.   

    Not every company is the same.

    And tell me, if you go out and tame a bear, who owns that bear?  Can you go trade it to someone and keep the profits for yourself or does that all go to the company.  Let's assume for the moment that things change and suddenly you have a jackass for a leader who really dislikes you.  What happens when you get fed up and decide to leave that company.  Do you get to take any of those ships with you? Do you get to keep any of those buildings?  What happens when you screw up (we're all human, it's gonna happen) and the leader decides he doesn't like you any more and boots you out of the company.  What do you have to show for all that work?

    I'm sorry but if I put the effort into carving out a niche in this game world, I don't want anyone to have the power to take it away from me.  In many MMO's like EVE online, if you build a ship, it's yours. You can give it to the company if you wish and the company will then have ownership.  A company can give YOU a ship and from then on, you own it. The company cannot take what is yours from you be it ships, resources, etc.  In this game EVERYTHING belongs to the company and you don't own squat.

    Does that help you understand how I think?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dags said:

    I generally play solo/small group in these and most other mmos ive played. Never expected to be able to do raid content unless i made friends to join now and then. Not sure why you would expect raid content to be doable.

    Generally speaking, the purpose of raid content in other mmo's is to give you access to things you can't acquire elsewhere.  The age debuff is punishment for not doing raid content.  I should be able to choose to do it or not and not suffer penalties if I don't.

  6. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    Not going to disagree with you there.  I run on the lowest settings just to get a decent frame rate all the time.

    Sorry that is on you, not on the developers.  This is a MMO not a single player game.  Join a group of like minded individuals who are looking to expand their numbers.  You can actually have a good time with others.   What is the fear of playing with others?


    I have never understood the issue of playing with other players in an MMO.   

    So I can go pick cotton for someone else? Right-o. The fear is having to deal with simple-minded people like you who try to classify everyone as a clone of themselves. Simply because you do not understand how everyone else thinks does not mean they should think like you.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    It moves every 50 days in game... so roughly every week.  Everyone isnt going to be in the SAME spot.  First it has to be found.

    And, if everything else these dev's do is an example of what this is going to be. it'll be pointless for solos to even go there.  Hell, we get slaughtered walking out our front door, nevermind actually engaging in any content.

  8. 12 hours ago, Angrytango said:

    I am a female that happens to game. A lot.... Especially in the winter. After work, I game. It is what I do. But sad to say at this point I am just bored with the game. It is not the EA or the broken mechanics. It is just boring. Not enough content? I got off worked and logged in as usual, ready to settle in for the evening. And I was like, ok... Feed the crew and the few tames that I have left that were not killed due to clipping issues and I was like NOW WHAT? And that is when it hit me. There is nothing that I really felt like doing so I logged out. Tame? Don't bother until it is fixed. Land Claim? Ha! Joke. Ok Build? Well the lousy land claim I have has no resources and I am not in the mood to sail forever round trip to bring the mats back to build on my shitty iceberg. Other than that there just really is nothing. It would be great if there was like something to do at the Freeports? Maybe a tavern where players could meet up and play pirate games against each other and NPCs  for in game gold or rewards.  I can see earning rep this way that might get you followers or something. But for now, I think I will go watch a movie. Sigh 

    You could always go tame some seals... I mean penguins.


    • Haha 1

  9. 13 minutes ago, Bolognapwny said:

    Are you blind or stupid kid?  You feel better so you now been insulted and can't think straight?  The post you just replied too was the argument and you refuse to see it... not my fault you can't keep up.

    “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” - George Carlin

    Also added to ignore.  Ta. ta.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Bolognapwny said:

    Just because you disagree with me doesn't make me wrong, and you right.  I firmly believe with every fiber of my being making any changes to this game or developing it for PVE is the wrong idea... every change should be for PVP, and PVE should be left to the unofficial servers.  They will be dividing much needed resources in the programming effort if they continue down this path.  As you've seen from previous patches... the literally lack the depth to appease both crowds... and at its core this game is meant for PVP.

    It's not a question of whether you're right or wrong in your views. It's a question of how you insist on demeaning others who do disagree with you. You've offered ZERO valid reasons why this game should eliminate PVE and focus on PVP yet anyone who disagrees with your 'suggestions' gets instantly called, 'kiddo' as if you're trying to validate your points and negate theirs by claiming they're immature.  Even in this thread which has NOTHING to do with PVE or PVP, you're using that maturity card to try to deflate the value of what others are saying and inflate your words.

    You have yet to offer anything of debatable value and when someone does post something in response to you that you don't like, you whip out that 'kiddo' and wield it like a club. I have already looked at some of your posts with the intent of replying and then chose not to because you obviously don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. You're using these forums as if they're your personal soap-box instead of... wait for it... a FORUM for discussion.

    Now, please reply with your anticipated insult so I can justify wasting my time responding to you.


    11 minutes ago, Bolognapwny said:

    This post... is out of the fanboy handbook... this is stereotypical class-pet crap... Look at me teacher I am more mature than everyone... my words matter!.... you are so desperate for attention it sickens me.

    And your obvious trolling of anyone who enjoys PVE, your blatant bigotry toward other nationalities, your failed attempts to make yourself appear more mature by calling everyone else 'kiddo' isn't a desperate cry for attention?  If, as you say, this is him claiming he's more wise and mature than everyone then I can guarantee you this.  Compared to you, he's Aristotle.

    I have to agree here.  You've said nothing in any single post that either convinces me that your ideas about how this game should be run are correct or are even worth paying attention to.  As a matter of fact, I don't think any of your posts have had any purpose other than to provoke a response and that you somehow get some sick satisfaction by intentionally berating and demeaning others.  I classified you as nothing more than a troll days ago. 

  12. 1 hour ago, boomervoncannon said:

    and as the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

    Now that first impressions have been bored into the player's skull, I believe the proper marketing axiom for this company to ponder would be, "A happy customer will tell a friend. An angry customer will tell 10 friends." If this company does have a QA department then I pity those who work there because obviously one of two things are happening: either they are not doing their jobs and are destined to be unemployed in the near future or, more likely as this company is clearly demonstrating their capacity for, they are doing their jobs but like those of us in the masochism department, are being ignored.

    I too asked this same question (during one of my more aggravating gaming episodes as indicated by the tone of the question) for the live stream.  We shall see if they even bother to answer it.


  13. Just an idea...  Put things like these on your flag messages.






    These all refer to the Tiananmen Square massacre from 1989.  This topic is still one of the most censored and sensitive topics in China.  If they won't stop, then perhaps those watching the great firewall will stop them for you.

    Want to get real creative, go to https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/六四事件 which is the wikipedia article on Tiananmen Square in Chinese which is blocked in China and start copying/pasting that article into your flag messages.

    • Confused 1

  14. 6 minutes ago, Zarine said:

    Trying to figure out where you're getting "the streamers" from. It's extremely vague, and there was literally ONE streamer using it.

    He's just trying to drive people away from Atlas because he has this massive chip on his shoulder.  I can only assume that he got his ass repeatedly beat stupid in Ark so now he's made it his mission in life to sabotage anything WC/GS does.  If he can pretend to go off the deep end about hackers with some trumped up accusations, he will.


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