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Jean Lafitte

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Posts posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. 8 hours ago, Hodo said:

    with in depth ship building and actual sailing mechanics.  

    Well... I dunno.  In-depth ship building? Well, ok. I can give you that one simply because you can add walls and such to ships. The actual keel choices are pretty limited for now.  As for sailing mechanics, it's way off.  It does a good job of providing playable ship movement that sorta simulates sailing.  As for actual sailing mechanics, Naval Action is much closer to reality. Unfortunately, they too drove off most of their playerbase.

  2. I do not know if this was intentional since it was nowhere in the patch notes but I have quickly become aware of a drastic change on my island.  Wolves are no longer the apex predator and their numbers have drop drastically.  Elephants have also vanished but so have vultures, a fair exchange in my opinion. I can only assume you planned to do this and that means, you have been listening to us. Thank you.   While I am having to suffer some much less healthy wolf pets, now that I can actually get out and harvest and explore my island, I will adapt.

    Again, thank you.


  3. 23 minutes ago, Easpada said:

    Well, Atlas and it's sun are actually circling a black hole. time dilation and all that.

    I thot it was Gnomes.  Little bitty gnomes riding in the wolves mouths, poking you in the eye whenever their lvl 1 wolf bites your head off and then giggling maniacally.   Oh wait, that's the dev team. nvm.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Easpada said:

    i'd like to watch the dev stream.. anyone have a link?

    Here, let me give you the synopsis.

    First 15 minutes, excuses and misdirections as to why the things the players want won't happen.

    Next hour and a half, all the really dumb shit they're going to add to this game without fixing what's busted first.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Thor Ragnarock said:

    I feel the fountain of youth is a cool idea for a core mechanic but I agree it wasn't thought out.

    Also, I can't think of many mmos where the core mechanics of the game can't be done solo, end game content sure plenty of that. Just because someone is solo doesn't mean they won't interact with people through game play either. I could just as easily be in a mega company and playing solo on my own doing my own thing supplying the company resources as a cog in the machine. I don't understand the negativity towards people who prefer this path.

    Simple. Everyone expects game to be make for them and them only.  The way THEY play the game is the right way and everyone is wrong.

    • Thanks 2
    • Sad 1

  6. NA-PVE perspective.

    I have been loathe to use words of questionable morality on these forums because I'm trying to be understanding with this dev team and not sound like a ranting child.  But, I feel I must digress for a moment.

    This was the biggest fucking pile of trash I have EVER seen on any mmo.

    First you give damn near the entire population of the server a STUPID debuff. Then, you force them to either live with this debuff or jam their asses onto 1 island when you know damn well your servers can barely handle 20 people on 1 island. THEN, you obviously think that this is supposed to suffice for content. Well let me tell you how your content went.  First, after everyone dodged the stupidly insane number of SotD, they first ran in there thinking they were gonna kick ass and take names. But that can't happen on this  game because the combat system is so utterly screwed up that players are easily decimated by a level 1 no matter what level the player is. But no, that's obviously irrelevant. YOU have to surround this shit hole with lvl 100 aggros.  And those are just the ones OUTSIDE this cave.  You also decide to flood this 'fountain' (which was just a stupid ass blue sparking particle effect) with mobs of insanely high levels so that, in the future, should any solo need to rid themselves of this ignorant debuff, you've guaranteed them it will be impossible.  The content part?  Oh, right... No, it wasn't all of us there with pistols and cannons and swords beating off the nasty mobs like your trailer implies. It was all of us running in naked so we didn't lose shit because we KNEW we were going to die multiple times, just hoping the mobs would be confused enough by the utter swarm of lemmings that they would ignore us.

    Who the fuck on that dev team comes up with these brilliant plans?

    Oh wait, I know... it was those of you on the stream who thot it HILARIOUS that you had cranked up a high level mob to the point that it utterly slaughtered the players. Got it.  Now I know who to point the finger at.

    • Like 7
    • Haha 1

  7. Don't even bother coming to 014. This ignorant dev team in their infinite wisdom picked ONE PLACE on the whole stinking map where 90% of the population NEED to go in order to  get rid of an absolutely IGNORANT debuff.   Can you guess what the ping times are like in 014?

    Trust me, it's like day 1 in a freeport all over again.

    With the addition of some 150 sotd.

    • Like 1

  8. Seriously people, we've been begging them since day one to fix alphas and fix aggros because we repeatedly get our asses kicked by them.  Now that they've added in an even better chance of getting your ass kicked do you really think they're going to listen to you?

    This dev team is driving this cart with blinders on and can't even see the cliff ahead of them.

    Watch the dev stream.  It was 15 minutes of them dismissing player complaints and an hour-and-a-half discussing how they were going to seriously fuck everyone over.

    • Like 1

  9. 9 minutes ago, Scorpionshawn said:

    Are you saying I posted the topic? and all I see is me saying Hate much. As I can see you really hate rofl Im LMAO

    You know what else is boring is all the trolls hate! Its a joke and the personal attacks they get away with on these forums 

    You know what else is boring is all the trolls hate! Its a joke and the personal attacks they get away with on these forums 

    You know what else is boring is all the trolls hate! Its a joke and the personal attacks they get away with on these forums 

    Another I get to ignore. Ta ta.

  10. Just now, Scorpionshawn said:

    Well the game sucks so bad that i didnt bother adding in people to my company and when i did post a video of my martial arts school there was a threat that i was promoting my business so Im guessing that person was intimated rofl. Yeah we come from a real ninja clan and there was a tv show about my school and ninjas from Japan visiting us.

    Yep. ^

    • Haha 1

  11. Just now, Scorpionshawn said:

    What forum did i post about political views?

    Well the game sucks so bad that i didnt bother adding in people to my company and when i did post a video of my martial arts school there was a threat that i was promoting my business so Im guessing that person was intimated rofl. Yeah we come from a real ninja clan and there was a tv show about my school and ninjas from Japan visiting us. 

    The one the mods have already removed because it was inappropriate. Is your short term memory that bad?

  12. 1 minute ago, Scorpionshawn said:

    What is your problem with me? Is there some personal issues? 

    Crying the servers should be wiped because you can't win, abusing the forums to post your political views, abusing the forums to advertise yourself repeatedly, argumentum ad hominem... shall I keep going?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    No the Army taught me to win fights, not wait for the Navy to bail me out.


    And you are on PVE, that is the perfect server to do just what you are doing.

    No, you have to wait on the pretty boys in the Air Force to FUBAR it.

    Good, then don't say it's on me when the dev's have the spawn rate cranked up to the point that it's insane. I should NOT have to join a company in order to be able to walk out my door without dying incessantly.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Except when someone bigger comes along and decides they want your stuff... then you are homeless.  

    As I used to say in the army.  "The Army of one is great until the army of two or more show up."

    Which is why I'm on the PVE server. In theory, that should never happen.

    Don't you get the point here? Neither of us is right and neither of us is wrong. But you demanding that everything be done for your groups IS wrong.  I play the way I want to play and I respect the way YOU want to play. If changing the game to fit my needs is going to severely and negatively impact the way you play the game then don't make the change.  It's that simple.  But don't sit here and say, 'Oh well, they shouldn't do that because you play solo and this isn't a single player game and since I don't play that way, screw you.'

    Or did the Army not teach you to respect others?  The Marines sure taught me that.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Heh... kind of like real life?   

    No seriously it really depends on the company you are in.  If you decide to start your own company get people to work with or for you, so that YOU are on top.  But that will require work... often more work than it is worth. 

    Or, you can solo like I do.  In which case it's all mine and I have no one to blame when I screw up except myself and I can take pride in saying I did that.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Lets look at this like real life.

    If I go out and build a house on someone's land, do you know who owns that house?  NOT ME... the person who owns the land.

    That is ignoring all of the other legal problems you will face for doing such a thing. 

    If you are making payments on some land and you build a house on it, then fail to make payments...guess who owns everything on that land now?  THE PERSON YOU WERE PAYING FOR THE LAND!!!

    Ask the Mcdonald brothers how that worked out for them with Ray Kroc.   They have next to nothing, Mr Kroc has the worlds largest fast food franchise with their name on it.

    Ok, lets.

    Right now, you own nothing. Until such time as that's changed, you can NEVER own anything.  Every bit of work you do goes in someone else's pocket.  Whether you're able to use those resources is irrelevant, they are not yours. The only difference between slavery and what you're doing is that you can choose to leave at any time. However, the consequences are the same, you'll leave with nothing and likely be forced back into willing slavery for someone else when you can't find a claim of your own. Or, you'll rent land and be perpetually indebted to someone else for land and structures that once again, you'll never own.

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