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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. Shall I continue? Personality and Individual Differences Volume 67, September 2014, Pages 97-102 In two online studies (total N = 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.
  2. de·lu·sion·al - /dəˈlo͞oZH(ə)nəl adjective characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder. I believe he was trying to be specific about my generalization that Señor Quixote didn't own the game.
  3. Wikipedia In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain. You sir, are a troll.
  4. LOL, and with that I'm done here. Nothing more can be said... Except, can we start calling @Scorpionshawn Sancho Panza?
  5. No Man's Sky went from a peak of 212,321 to just over 1,000 players. That's a 99.5% drop (or thereabouts) What's your point? Then why are you spewing all over these forums? Self-gratification? Trying to massage your butt-hurt ego? WHY?
  6. Yep, I read EA for 2 years. So? You think they're idiots... opinion. Not a reason for me to quit. More content instead of fixes? Name one.. ONE game company in the past 10 years that hasn't done exactly that.
  7. Well... I watched a streamer about a week ago with his company take 6 or 7 ships after a Galleon. So, for now, I'd say that's already happened. Next.
  8. I'm not sure, but I think you just ignored everything he said and spewed out something totally unrelated. And I'm pretty sure that everything I saw in the trailer is in the game. It may not be to my liking and I may not be able to interact with it the way the trailer suggests, but it is there.
  9. How would you know? Again, you don't own the game. Half the game compared to what? Ark? A game that's been out for years? EVE, a game which, if memory serves me correctly, is 12 years old. How would you know that it's half a game? You have never played it. You are trying to convince everyone just how bad this game is and how bad the company is when you can offer no personal experience or solid proof. You have nothing but conjecture and opinions. Other than ban you from Ark, give me something that I can point to about WC/GS and agree, that's evil (and even that I would say was justified if you behaved there as you do here). Not opinion, facts. Give me something about this game that I can say wasn't worth the money I've paid. I have 400 hours into this game. That's over 3x the amount I have in Civ V and I paid a lot more for it... and you could even call it a 'complete' game. Tell me, how am I being ripped off, cheated being bamboozled into not getting what I paid for. Don't sit here and tell me the playerbase is disappearing and I should jump ship too. That's not a good enough reason. No Man's Sky had a HORRID start. It's playerbase dropped like a rock to 1,000 players for over a year. But then, they got it right and it's now in the 3,000's (and I'm actually considering buying it now). If you want to be knighted by me, the innkeeper, convince me you deserve that honor Hidalgo Quixote. Don't just spew.
  10. Look on these forums and count just how many 'positive' threads there have been. The only positive posts I have seen have been attempts offset the irrational screaming being done. I am quite vocal. I will be one of the first to start shaking a finger at misguided, screwed up patches. But I'd like to think that I'm also going to be one of the first who pats them on the back when they do get it right. Why? I can tell you now that if I was Jat or Dollie, I would have stopped reading these negative threads long ago. And peeking at what Jat does read on these forums, I suspect he does just that. While everyone was screaming about the stone nerf, he was reading posts on the Linux server thread. It's really hard to keep your motivation going when everyone is intent on shitting on you. In order to prevent being demotivated, the easiest solution is to ignore them. So, you can continue with your screaming if you wish and hope for the best. Just do me the courtesy of not screaming on threads that I start that does try to pat them on the back. I'd rather they not be forced to ignore these as well.
  11. Years ago there was a book written called, "The one minute manager." In that book it gave some very basic philosophies and analogies on how to deal with employees. In one example it asks you to imagine a mouse in a maze. If you want that mouse to successfully complete that maze you lead them down the path with cheese. You do not pick them up, slap them in the head and put them back in the starting corner when they go the wrong way. EVERYONE appreciates and deserves recognition for doing their job, whether you're a janitor or a game developer. In the case I stated in the OP, they were just doing their job. But, unlike some of their other efforts, this tells me that they are making efforts in the right direction. By making that post, unlike some of the other posts on this forum, mine included, I am not slapping them in the back of the head, I'm offering them a piece of cheese with the hope that they feel even a slight sense of pride in doing what the community has asked for so many times and continue down that correct path. So if you don't mind, please put your baseball bat down for a moment and recognize the fact that THIS is the right way for them to go through the maze they're trying to traverse.
  12. Maybe you should try gainful employment where you get a pat on the back for doing a good job. Has to be more profitable and entertaining than walking around town. Then again... If you meet as many.... interesting... people walking around as you do on these forums then maybe a job really is less entertaining.
  13. Right, because days before it was released they should have already know every possible exploit there was. Why didn't I realize that.
  14. I rest my case. Don Quixote tilting on windmills. God @boomervoncannon pegged you with that. Too bad you don't even comprehend that reference.
  15. I'm only concerned about one person complaining. I'd rather be solo on a pvp server and wiped every minute of every single day by every single mega on the map than have to listen to your petty, conceited, arrogant, self-righteous whining about a game you know NOTHING about. Furthermore... I AM one. And it's assholes like you that make me wish I weren't. Everyone talks about China #1 and how they behave on these servers. Take a look at yourself and how you represent your pretty awesome country on these forums. Do you think anyone just equates you to being who you are? No, you're just another self-righteous American who's trying to screw up a game because they have nothing better to do with their life. Would some Canadian please adopt me and my wife?
  16. Do you see the URL on that banlist? Do you understand what that banlist is for? Of course you do. You're just so narrow-minded with such a massive chip on your shoulder that you'll take any excuse you can find to slam them? I cannot believe you got your ass pounded in Ark so badly that now you have to try to destroy things you have no knowledge of. Typical American. If you don't like something, fuck it up for everyone else.
  17. You don't know what's what in this game because you don't even own this game. Get off my thread and stop trying to sabotage everything GS does.
  18. This is funny. 51 views atm and not even a like? They get something wrong and everyone starts screaming. They get something right and nobody cares?
  19. Jackass. Go shove some of your overabundant paste... Hope you have to respec. Might teach you some courtesy.
  20. I think maybe you could have pointed that out without being a jackass.
  21. Actually, I think that icon is heat exhaustion. Hypothermia is a blue icon. I can also tell you from living in the extreme cold that the temperature displayed in your inventory isn't necessarily your temperature. I've stood beside fires and grills and watched the hypothermia go away but the temperature never changes. And finally, I can't say I disapprove of this happening. Now maybe some of you sun worshipers will have to chuck some points into fortitude just like us snow bunnies.
  22. Since official news from GS is scant and dodgy at best, I thot I'd post there a few references I've discovered. Hopefully this will restore some faith in GS that they are working on it and that exploits/hacks/cheats are not something they're simply turning a blind eye to. First, a ban list posted by @Dollie - This is a list of Steam ID's that have been banned by GS and it's supposedly updated with each ban. http://atlasdedicated.com/pc/banlist.txt Next, I know of two instances where @Dollie has intervened in both an exploit and an issue with 'extreme racism' resulting in bans. And looking back over @Jatheish's recent posts he mentioned in a thread that 2 companies, one on NA-PVP and one on EU-PVP got dev wiped. While many of our posts on here, mine included, are much more irrational and demanding in tone, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to both of these community managers. Though you may not the best at keeping the masses informed, it's comforting to know that if we take a little time and do a little digging that we can find evidence that you are concerned and actively working on some of our concerns. Thanks!
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