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Posts posted by SpeedInc

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nox said:

    6) It sucks less 



    5 minutes ago, Nox said:

    apparently person of poor impulse control who keeps playing this "game."

    Sadly your not the only one... My wife is on ARK atm with our group on console. Im the test dummy for Atlas.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 minutes ago, MetalStretcher said:

    The way some people react in these threads or any threads about games is how I would react if I got a call from one of my foremen that an employee had fallen off the roof and died and OSHA was on site.    Seriously. 

    F THAT!!!!! I rather be shot then have OSHA show up... them or the NLRB... at that point get a refund.. LOL

    • Haha 1

  3. nope... seems that the Order process was

    Copy, Paste, Break, Sale..... Wait for it ..... Wait for it...Pretend new game, say we are on it. and break it some more... Que White Knights... Make promise and fix something insignificant, progress proven..... Remain in Alpha for 2 years while claiming to be a AAA game... Sounds like a good roadmap. I wish they made them play on average internet connections with slightly sub par equipment......

  4. 8 minutes ago, MaxPower said:

    I'm not exactly sure what point you're trying to make or how that has anything to do with my comment. Not all games are the same and while Fortnite might be in a better state than ATLAS (the original Fortnite release was pretty poor... and I mean the pre-battle royale release), its also a SIGNIFICANTLY simpler game with a whole lot more money and manpower behind it.

    I will give you that its significantly simpler... but NOT as simple as the cut and paste title screen as Ark errrr Atlas is... there is no need for manpower if the Exact game is a direct copy. come on guys... be the wight night but dont be a blind one... I do belive Kerbal is by far more complex, isnt SE still say its beta? i could be wrong..

    Debating game functions and mechanics i guess mean trolling these days.

  5. 36 minutes ago, MaxPower said:

    Uhhhh that's actually exactly what it means. Early Access titles are unfinished games that are still in a state of active development. Since ATLAS is in a state where a significant amount of content is still to be added, it'd generally be considered to be in an alpha state of development.

    So like...... Fortnight...... Alpha right, I mean its a early release... maybe Wild Card should have hired their team of programmers...


    27 minutes ago, Mancomb Seepgood said:

    But comparing this to fallout 76 is silly, this cost £19, not £59.99, and they said expect problems, unlike Bethesda who literally did dupe most people. Context people!

    I feel they are both in a race to see which will be freeware first... I give both of them credit... they aren't Star Citizen..... yet..... we will see if micro transactions make it into the game..

  6. Early Release doesn't = Alpha or Beta release..... In the industry Early Release means here is our game see if you can find a an error or a hole we missed... NOT sale a game in early concept and use the public as guinea pigs. ESPECIALLY if the game is already past this point of brokenness. YES THIS IS ARK! Not that hard to figure it out....


    But I digress seems like our common culture of the US we have given way to the weak, lazy, perverted way of the ill-educated masses of recent generations. So to has our programmers of old been replaced with the leftovers of today. Cough 76, SC..... Sigh.. I remember when we were great, and no that wasn't a ref from the POTUS!

  7. 11 minutes ago, Boredaholic said:

    You know... Early access should be like 10% of the overall cost of what a game should be or a "demo" version. the fact that they can release a game that literally doesn't work and you'll have no idea until after you've purchased it is crap. (Don't think i'm talking about atlas, i like the game, i've played hours of it. i do gripe from time to time about crashes and other crap yes, but my post here isn't about atlas it's about the whole "Early Access" deal itself) So to continue, you get all hyped about a game, you purchase it and it's an EA game. As per what it says on steam, it could never change. well then why the fuck should steam refund? it's a crap idea lol.

    Hummm so what do you think if Steam calls a game Early Access and obviously so does the studio, that there is a flat rate for all users who buy on steam. Say $10 no matter what that's the Steam EA fee, and no refund for any EA game.

    Do you think that there would be alot less games being released EA on steam then? Why would that be... My guess is to avoid a lesser payment for a buggy game, wait for it to be more polished and get a price that the studio wants.....

  8. because i know what Ark is and I know what the mechanics of it are and how they will cross over to this game... there will be a very small learning curve from that game to here.. so i didn't want to see any spoilers and any oh by the ways... after being frustrated i then took to my normal streamers and found what they ran into and how they avoided issues... and they have said if they were part of the early early access, so as to escape the areas effected.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Vainesy said:

    bottom line is you rushed into buying a hyped up game and now your mad it didnt live up to the hype.

    Other than the server issues every problem youve had with *safe zones*

    Let me help you out since you seem to me be missing the point..... I never seen any hype for this game... i did see a trailer that was leaked for the last DLC for ARK that was quickly removed... Planned or not it was done..... I thought to my self, "self i seen what they just did there and im on board with what they are cooking up if they continue with the life lessons learned". That was not the case...

    This is like buying a bicycle. Early Access to me is having a NEW bike and trying to get from point A to point B, how ever there is a flat tire... DAMN that sucks....
    BUT we were given a bike with no damn tires or rims for that matter.  My screen says verson 5.2 to be released in the notes yet my patch says 5.3 and I can not log in.. not because the server is still stuck at 0 of 150... its because the server is no longer listed. its a blank square like the other 60% or so of the map... so miss optimist show me the light... tell me how to enjoy early access to a server based game that i can not log into.... shoe me the good time that will come when its a polished *gulp, game and single player will be added (as it is now) and we can enjoy sending people off the plank....

  10. I agree.... but as I stated maybe they should have hired one of the CGI guys to get this down...

    4 minutes ago, Dodo said:
    27 minutes ago, SpeedInc said:

     For #### sake call Chris over at Scam Citizen

    Welp, i just stopped reading right there.

    LOL I almost would have too... As i dont even attempt to up date the game any more. One day, some day it will come out..

  11. 1 minute ago, Vainesy said:

    Lol ark was no longer in early access when it was released on console it came out of early access on August 29th same week of the ps4 release 

    For us PS4 users it was listed Early Access..... I know its hard for PC players to think that there are others out there....

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