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Posts posted by Arzicane

  1. 44 minutes ago, wolfgang4466 said:

    Asinego, I get that but the timer said 4 days, the shipyard was placed yesterday morning. so there seems to be an issue with the timers.

    I think the best bet is to get away from lawless and freeport and trying building there.

  2. 2 hours ago, Realist said:

    No, it promotes raiding. That is the only reason they are not consumable 

    And another can argue in a pve, it promotes trading, or selling of wares. It also applies to PVP as well, but the current state it is in...zerg is all they know.

  3. 11 minutes ago, funbasket said:

    The problem is, the majority of players couldn't make it out of the starting zones for almost 36+ hours because of server stability issues. Those players who were, have essentially had a game-breaking advantage over the rest of us.

    Once you're out of the starter zones there is almost no lag, so players level and farm significantly faster. Not to mention they have the entire world to be able to lay claim without any major competition.

    This has already happened on every server, all while the rest of us can't even log in.

    My mates and I finally got our raft outside of the starter zones last night. Within 2-3 hours we were found by a player crew of nearly level 40's in a large ship, and they proceeded to (unprovoked) one-shot us with guns and destroyed our raft.

    We were a robust level 8. Never had even a thought of a chance. 

    That's unfortunate that happen to you, but keep in mind that new players from now to the end of this games life will always be at a disadvantage. With most games with a system like this, that is the case...be it through experience (level/knowledge) or materials. The most you can do either accept this and move on and go at it from a different approach, or simply not play it.

    I hope you are able to recover and move past boat load of pirates, and have a Happy Holiday!

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  4. 1 hour ago, Naviss said:

    Which is fine if there was land to claim or free to build a bigger ship.

    i agree somewhat with you there. With some patience and a bed once could travel a further bit out and get some land. Most of the claimed land I'm seeing is the intermittent areas around freeports and lawless ports.

  5. 2 hours ago, Rickyh24 said:

    I don’t care about his alpha excuse.  What the op said is happening.  People that are going to quote people and say “it’s an alpha we should expect this” should just not waste the forum bandwidth instead. This is bugs suppport.  It’s here to discuss and report bugs hoping for support.  

    Please keep in mind that there is spot in the forums for Bug reporting.

  6. 1 hour ago, Teach said:

    There are smaller trees in the freeports and various regions you can forage without assaulting the tree with fisticuffs the same way (Hold E Key) you do Fiber/Berries. As said, it only takes a few wood to make your first tool.

    I can second it, launch day i spawned in a lawless server and it was hell and high water to get wood. Second day i manage to get into a lag free 132/150 freeport (suprising i know) and within the hour i had so much would a lvl 3 like me at the time didn't know what to do with it.

  7. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, be them true or false, but...

    43 minutes ago, Realist said:

    They calle it a pirate mmorpg year they made it more of a survival game than ark even is 😂

    who cares about vitamins. Can even drink all of the water like you can in ark.

    this is way more survival genre than dayz even is 😂

    that is like calling the avengers a chick flick 😂

    Jesus Christ talk about genre blending.



    ...its one thing to say you don't like the game, and another to speak(type) like you did.

    Happy holidays though!

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