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Everything posted by GRaMaTiXx

  1. i had kind of the same problem yesterday and now icant log in anymore i tried everthing … Nothing worked ...
  2. So today isn't the first time i put some stuff in smithy just because i needed to die and when i came back to get it it wasn't here… knowing that its in a full stone base closed and that my team mate are either sleeping or working, (i was all alone connected 200% sure about that !!) then i asked in ally chat if it happen to someone and i wasn't alone .. if there is anyone else to whom it happened come and tell us what u lost .. (for me it was a fur set, tools, gun, and ammo)
  3. to sperme whale or Something new ?? @Astronovalol
  4. hum i'll take the first line of what u posted : The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or cachalot …. call that a cachalot then ^^ @moriak ..correct me if im wrong but in the game they put female/male chicken not cock so if im right why not do the same @Nightstrasza
  5. hum okayy, im am french right .. and as a french when i read ''sperm'' whale my mind is translating it to ''cum''(yes we all know that word.. unless children are playing ?) whale because in french sperm means cum .. so i mean maybe an other word would be hummm lets say less graphic and less pertinant or Something but yea go to google translate and write sperme …. i hope i am not putting anyone unconfortable right ?
  6. would it be possible to create a behemoth like in ark but for the boat, i mean Something bigger than the large one so ppl would be able to put them in deeper place in the water ?
  7. u can use a pick to make the body disepear
  8. i as my team cant get to any freeport today, it is write 0 player and for the other zone we get timed out but we can see people playing..
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