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Everything posted by Nahil13ieme

  1. Yeah of course but this way make me so angry ...
  2. Ok but they should warn us. We dont spend 12 hrs on a ship to be destroyed in 3 minutes because of multiple spawn. Its a EA game but they do nothing about our feedbacks or our suggestion. AND test it before releasing IT just stop release new patch every day if they are not tested. Maybe we are here to test some their game but we spend too much time to be wiped this way by a simple spawn bug
  3. The thing is they did not warn us, I was sailing calmly 4 damned ships spawn on me. They destroyed our Schooner in 3 minutes. So they really need to communicate what they are actually doing, or at least test their patch.
  4. Stupid dev, im salted. farmed 12 hrs to build a Schooner because there is no METAL ON OUR ISLAND. Then your patch fked up everything with your DAMN(ed) ship. Nice dev. You really need to test your patch before releasing it
  5. I can't ride my cows i tried every tier 2 saddle ( cargo ) but i cant if someone can reply
  6. Just tamed a cow crafted a cargo tier 2 for farming purpose but i cant use it. Can someone explain why ?
  7. Hi When i'm selecting a game and i press the join button the loading crash my entire pc. Graphic card : 960 gtx Processor : i5-4590 3.3 GHz RAM :8 giga OS : 64 bits
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