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Andro Bourne

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Posts posted by Andro Bourne

  1. Yes lets add claim protection when claiming is exactly the issue. One man companies can claim whole islands to themselves and you want to give them claim protection? ahahah get real.

    The whole claim system needs to be reworked from the ground up. Increase the claim radius but make it so you can only have one claim flag per person. That means smaller companies still get piece of the pie but larger companies get a larger piece.

    Maybe then you can add some kinda temp claim protection or just increase the time it takes to take over a claim.

    Another issues is there is no turrets or anything we can use for offline protection like there is in Ark. and having tames just running around isnt a solution. They are easy to keep from range.

  2. The real question is why do you people allow such releases from well known dev teams? You demand more, then they will have to change their business tactics and do more. You sit here defending them, hiding behind the "early access" title and you dont sit to think that maybe they could have fucking done better?

    This dev team worked on Ark. Ark on release also has time out issues and under estimation of population. Shit before this game even came out I told my friends in discord 40k wouldn't even be close enough for release. It doesn't take a genius to figure that shit out. And it was made ever worse by lying to the users and finding out its only 150 pop per server simply connected in a cluster (which isnt fucking new technology btw)

    They delayed and delayed and delayed. Which is fine but dont delay 3 times then release the game and end up running into the worst release of 2018.

    Everyone then tries to defend them on the fact that some of these issues couldn't have been caught before the servers weren't under load. Guess what? Its called a free weekend stress test. You open the game for free to public for a few days and stress test your shit to figure out the major issues before you release it. Tons of companies do this... it is very common practice. But no, they released the game one day prior to a handful of streamers then said "yep its good to go lets release it" and basically shit over everyone faces.

    There is no excuse for a dev team this experienced and has worked on large games like Ark to have learned completely nothing from their previous games and just run into exactly the same issues. It is unacceptable even for Early Access release.

    Early Access at the core of the game should be functional. How can you say it was even close to that, when half of everyone couldn't even spawn in for 3 days and rubber banding like a mofo? It wasn't even close to playable or acceptable for an early access release.

    Demand more as players and we will start receiving better products right out the gate. I much have rather them say "oh we are going to delay it for another month or two to work out issues" then could have had a smoother release, rather them rushing it out. Why did they even rush it? Because money. 

    • Like 4

  3. 4 minutes ago, mizunami said:

    newbs area is a freeport, not lawless lands, the reason you can spawn in lawless lands is its an overflow technicly for freeports, 


    Lawless is also a noobie area, this is why you cant claim on them and you can spawn on them... exact same thing as a freeport but without npcs.

    And my statement still stands as raiding on freeports are happening as well...

  4. 1 minute ago, Goldfish The Builder said:

    Invis wall stopping lvl 9+ isnt the right solution though...

    Its not even invisible wall... it simply stops them from sailing back into lawless islands with their own boats and in gear...

    If they want raid noobie lands they would have to respawn back on noobies and rebuild everything from scratch. Which even then gives the chance for scrubs to band together and fight them off islands before they can build.

    It is a lot better solution then what is currently in place.

  5. 22 minutes ago, peter said:

    then only have repair all after an hour anchored or so? not sure whats the issue here?

    if i do not have crew yet even for schooner i have to go swim... now decay is not as bad as many people say... after 24 hours i lost 24(i do have all three decrease decay skills = -50%)? still above 5000...  but its just annoying if it does not bring any value.... if im nachored for some time, just let me repair all

    If you have an AI crew it does that ready... Press F on your ship and read what Strudyness does.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hackjob said:

    Thing about this is your forcing people to sail tiles and tiles to go around these lawless zones

    And?... forcing non noobs to leave noobie lands... oh the pain! These people already have their own islands... They are sailing to lawless zones just to troll noobies. Plain and simple.

    Honestly they need to add more island, fix the damn claim system and move lawless zones further away from normal islands but thats a totally different topic.

  7. No because it limits the amount of repair crew you need. Especially on larger ships that would be OP af. Sail away for 5 secs then repair all and go back into combat...

    Just build a trap door to go down into the haul area. Make a resources box and get a repair tool. Takes like 5 seconds to fix it all and you dont need to go into the water to do it...

    Play smarter, not harder.

  8. How did no one think about this before releasing the damn game is beyond me...

    You start in a lawless area, spend all day gathering materials and getting ready to set sail and then some scrub wantbie Chinese like CSTG (zerg with high lvl chars) just sails into lawless area and runs around raiding and killing noobs with guns while we sit here with our spears...

    The solution is so god damn simple I don't get why it isn't already in the game.

    Just make it so once you reach something like level 8 you can no longer sail into a lawless zones. You can spawn in naked and you can leave the zone, but you cant sail into the zone with your decked out ships and weapons. Problem solved, you are welcome.


    If anyone was curious where CSTG home base is, its in H5. Well at least one of their mains.

    Wildcard, get your heads out of your asses and try to think for 5 minutes before you do something please. If you leave it the way it is, new players will just quit like they are already doing...

  9. There is quite a few ways to fix the issue. Make the radius a little larger and then limit everyone to one land claim flag only. This way smaller companies can still get their piece of the pie but larger companies get a larger piece. Done and done.

    An upkeep system would be retarded. We are suppose to be out to sea fighting, not on island sucking the D of the upkeep system. Plus only large companies would be able to afford the upkeep thus killing off the smaller companies. Bad idea.

  10. 4 hours ago, teknotel said:

    We did contest a claim actually. Successfully. The issue was that the two people whose Island it was discovered us (group of four) and another group on the island (three) and destroyed us before we could get weapons up. They had full armour and guns against spears and bow and unfortunately were able to destroy our beds outside and then climb into base as we hadn't quite finished roof yet when they attacked.

    Since then we have found nothing. Going to try game again and just see if a sloop from a lawless region is an option and whether we can get metal for guns then try to invade an island.

    Yep, those already built up and in a claimed area have a large advantage over those that do not have land yet. Even with a decent size group it can be very hard to counter claim even the smallest peice of land. Especially if you have to respawn on your ship while they can respawn on land that is protected by stone structures...

    And it is way to easy just to get on someone's ship and destroy the bed. Way harder to raid a stone structure...

  11. 7 hours ago, warhealer said:

    I don't think you understand the game concept. 

    You cant just claim a whole island with 3 people. 

    This game is made for a big group. Like a company with 20 dudes, you can accomplish something.

    But sailing out with like 3 people and think you can be safe and build a base? No that would never work indeed.


    Join a bigger company or get hunted. that is a fact.

    Is that broken? that is debatable.

    You dont seem to understand the point... the problem is currently ONE MAN can claim a whole island to himself... So you build a ship, have to farm resources on a starter island for spears and bow, sail for hours just to find an island you can contest. Then spend an hour contesting ONE FLAG AT A TIME... which means it could easily take 4 hours to contest enough flags to give you a decent amount of space to build on... Just no, the system is fucking af.

    If you implement it the way I said. The larger your company side, the larger area of land you can claim, however, still limiting how many can be claimed in such a short amount of time. It makes sense.

    It shouldn't be unlimited or limited by a timer. That just means over a short amount of time one and will take over a whole island again... that isnt a fix.

  12. 41 minutes ago, darcek said:

    @Revenant  Read what I wrote dude,before just lashing out:

     claiming an island makes it not possible for other s to build there,if so that should be fixed asap.


    He wasn't lashing out. he was telling you the facts. Something you should look into before making a large ass post about something you dont know anything about.

    The game is broken and there is no point in sailing out of a lawless area if you can't claim anything for yourself. The system is broken and needs to be fixed. Plain and simple.

  13. Just now, Gabacon said:

    Back when Ark was new i wanted to start playing it... UNTIL i walked around and couldn't claim anywhere because some asshat had built a piece of wood there or something. Was stupid.

    Yes it really was and in end game it was a strat to build pillars everywhere around your base to increase its land claim area. Its still a thing.

    There are tons of simple solutions to this dumb problem.

  14. On 12/23/2018 at 6:49 PM, Kuhlbox said:

    If you play for yourself...ever been on a official server in a alpha tribe base at structure and taming limit?  If u think that 5 to 20fps are playable..ok...go, have some fun. They always promised to optimize the game, but they never really did. Even though with atlas...

    I'm talking about Ark and you clearly havnt played recently. I'm on an maxed out official server right now getting 75+ fps...

    Nice try though.

  15. I'd like to know what dumbass dev thought it was a genius idea to let one person claim and whole island to themselves? (unlimited claiming flags, smart)...

    There had been 4 islands so far owned by one company and one man playing solo... now we have to jump onto the island, spend in hour sitting there to claim a small piece for our self then do it all over again to expand.

    Fix this shit. Its simple. Make it so one person can only claim one flag period. The larger your company, the more land you can claim. done and done. You may have to increase the current flag size as it is a little to small. But do those two things and fix the god damn problem now.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Arzicane said:

    I don't think you need the dock to make the starting raft i don't think? For the next tier of ships you do, but correct me if im wrong. You do need seamanship to craft any boat of any tier though, pretty sure its on the left side of the seamanship tree.

    Yes you need a dock. I just built a raft on lawless like 3 hours ago.

    On a freeport you dont. I believe you can speak to someone at level 5 and get a raft givin to you.

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