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Everything posted by DeadlyMidnight

  1. Parked my raft and was loading resources on it. logged out to check something and when I logged back in my raft exploded dumping everything to the sea floor. Hours of work down the drain so im a sad panda. Not sure what on earth would cause this but its incredibly breaking.
  2. This doesnt work for me. Suspect you got lucky.
  3. Make sure you re-allocate your points into attributes then it should give you the skill points back.
  4. J10 lost 3 characters. done till this is addressed. Bad enough this is the first ive actually been able to play, then every time I die Its god damn permadeath.
  5. Just curios if there are any plans for fresh servers or some kind of wipe or something that will allow companies that haven't even been able to connect to the game to be able to catch up / have a chance with the companies who have already been able to get through the bottle necks somehow (guessing through glitches or blind luck) get all their people in and claim vast islands and sections of the map. I know its a huge world, but the land rush is such a big part of games like this and a large portion of the population has been completely locked out.
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