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About Nitimur

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  1. Nitimur

    Patch 8.0

    I sailed with my mates into another server, this reinstatd the UI, but just shortly, i don't know why it vanished again afterwards.
  2. Nitimur

    Patch 8.0

    3 restarts did not help, switch between low memory and normal aswell
  3. Nitimur

    Patch 8.0

    the servers just went up again (EU-PVE)
  4. Nitimur

    Patch 8.0

    Since the new patch, i have lost my UI. If i press "I", i can see the UI but i can not interact with anything. (like using the sail)
  5. Same with L6 (EU-PVE), i know its EA, but i just enjoy playing and want to continue xD
  6. I'm waiting aswell, bugged below my ship in the drydock, logged out for possible fix and could not rejoin since... we just finished the sloop and are desperate to try it out xD
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