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Be Legendary

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Everything posted by Be Legendary

  1. What is Lite RP?: RP has always been a popular kind of gaming lifestyle. Players like to involve and enrich themselves in a world that they can make their own. To us there are different types or RP. For instance we all have been on a server where the RP has always been strict to a T. This comes with the territory for example, some servers expect their players to always be in character. To know their lore and never break your character accents or traits. To always be in character RP even if there are bugs/glitches in the server etc. This type of RP to us is called Heavy RP. Heavy RP can be fun, to an extent, but it comes with a price of too strict and such and can be tiresome after awhile. This causes a problem with some RP and to us specifically. So this is why we created our server to a Lite RP. Lite RP means that everyone can RP even if you have no idea how to. Lite RP can be initiated just by saying “Hi how are you?” RP does not always have to complicated, it just has to be initiated. Lite RP is a happy medium between RPers and non RPers. This server helps us all to take a break from the Heavy RP and get to enjoy a free and relaxed experience. Where some players may have never dabbled in RP but can find comfort to venture out in RP. This also helps our other fine and well experienced RPers that have little to none experience in PVP but to find help and join forces with other player who are more familiar. This is the type of community that we envisioned. And here at Be Legendary we like to pride ourselves in educating players who have never RP before to feel comfortable in a RP server such as this one.
  2. I downloaded the new ServerGridEditor but I don't see these supposed 200 new islands. They all look the same except for ONE ocean trench? Am I missing something? Wheres the swamp? the new island that ISO made? ADD: Ok so I found about 20 or so ending in EU, but I don't see any new biomes added to the templates etc? sorry for my ignorance if that is the case. I guess I was hoping for more new and different look and types.
  3. We are the MAG server MAKE ATLAS GREAT!
  4. Have we got a server for you. Come and see why those that join love this server!
  5. lots of new people good to see, come join the adventure yourself and see
  6. Welcome to all the new folks who have joined lately
  7. Theres still time-This Sunday at 1pm est having a ship battle event come build your battle ship and join the fight to the death
  8. It takes great people to make a game great that is what we have
  9. growing stronger everyday and for those who understand early access (very early) and or stayed with Ark understand that♥♥♥♥♥♥happens, wipes etc. Just deal with it and move on. rebuild and rebuild again nbd. Anyhow if you are the above welcome, whiners and trashers stay away and play minecraft or candy crush
  10. Amazing group of people here come join the fun and comradery
  11. Come check us out. Got economy, plenty of room
  12. Just had a wipe increased rates for next 2 weeks 5X-XP, 15X Gather, 25x Tame
  13. Wanted: more people to join a great and fun server. plenty of extras https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1642536783
  14. Comon in plenty of room and fun to go
  15. New Discord link https://discord.gg/s88VqdX
  16. If you like building we some great builders
  17. Good solid group of people still room for more
  18. Damn I was really hoping ragnarok could be added But they didn't mention The Center hmmm
  19. I am trying this from my ark servers not confirmed yet in game ini NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="AlphaWolf_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="AlphaLion_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="AlphaRattlesnake_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="AlphaGiantSnake_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="")
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