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Everything posted by Mixero

  1. Probably someone already mention that but there is wayyy to many animals it just looks stupid, immersion level = 0, there should be a lot of small animals like chickens monkeys... etc but big and aggressive animals should be rare and hard to kill and drop a lot of resources so basically instead of: "f**king annoying crocodiles everywhere" we will have "Wooo guys come over its crocodile sooo cool lets kill it together".
  2. I totally agree i feel like in need to play 15h of ark/rust survival to finally play some Atlas, its just wrong like i said in my other thread starting island should be PVE is would make game so much better: 1.Well people will actually focus on main goal instead of killing each other. 2.Perfect combination of PVE and PVP . 3.More pirate/exploring content instead of stupid killing each other we already have it in Rust and Ark?(never played ark before). 4.More people will give game a chance instead of deleting/refunding . 5.It actually make sense right? Like in MMO at the beginning you focus on PVE then you do PVP. 6.Lets watch trailer again and as you can see in cities people are chilling, talking...etc well lets make it real right? Instead of attacking, running, jumping like animals people will be actually talking, trading, teaming up.. sounds cool to me. 7.People will leave starting island faster so you can reduce amount of starting islands = less starting island, more islands to explore. 8.Also game is unplayable solo it takes forever to finally build something but it the end you will be killed by someone, but if there is pve you can take your time and eventually leave first island. Also what the f..k with amount of animals? just reduce it, its looks weird, not realistic.... cmon
  3. Hello, after some time of playing i think starting islands should be PVE why? 1.Well people will actually focus on main goal instead of killing each other. 2.Perfect combination of PVE and PVP . 3.More pirate/exploring content instead of stupid killing each other we already have it in Rust and Ark?(never played ark before). 4.More people will give game a chance instead of deleting/refunding . 5.It actually make sense right? Like in MMO at the beginning you focus on PVE then you do PVP. 6.Lets watch trailer again and as you can see in cities people are chilling, talking...etc well lets make it real right? Instead of attacking, running, jumping like animals people will be actually talking, trading, teaming up.. sounds cool to me. Overall i just think that 50% of players will give up before they reach actual content. Game should focus more on pirate/exploring stuff instead of survival. I couldn't find feedback forum so i decided to post it here. Thanks! and sorry for bad english :)
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