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Posts posted by Incorporeality

  1. Its funny that people always defend the game by saying 'it's a pirate game,' when what they're defending is anarchy.  Pirates did not live in an anarchic society.  They lived in a society very tightly bound by rules, in the cracks opened by the vast open distances that once used to exist between countries and colonies.  They were not big swaggering dicks, they were rats scuttling around in the walls. 

    Not really coming down on one side or another, but if they were truly capturing the spirit of piracy they would be attempting to set up some sort of counter force, a governmental faction which was vastly overpowered compared to the pirates, which the pirates had to avoid if they wanted to continue to play.  That would be difficult to code though, so instead its just ARK on the water, where only no-lifers are allowed to enjoy official servers despite the whole machine requiring casuals to play to be easy targets to satisfy the no-lifer core's desperate need to feel powerful.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Lord Muke said:

    It's absolutely unplayable .... Ping 250 ... Nonstop !! 

    Lol yeah, actually look at the forums.  Most of us can't even get in.  That is, literally, unplayable.  Have you gotten out of the starter area (freeport or lawless spawn)?  That's supposed to be helpful, though more for rubber banding (packet loss) than ping.

  3. 17 hours ago, 1ord said:

    I'm guessing thats why they weren't used haha..

    I doubt it.  AWS probably doesn't cost more per individual player/resource than anything else.  Less, if anything, because server space isn't dedicated to one task so it's never being wasted, you're only paying for what you use.  So if they put a cap on how many ppl could join, and they had a good idea of the resources each person would use, they would be able to get a good estimate of the cost.  If they could monetize per concurrent player in some fashion instead of trying to sell an mmo (it would be an actual mmo with aws and no per-zone player caps, unlike now) in a lump sum, it could be very profitable.  If you have done it right then if you have enough ppl on to get a ten million dollar bill or whatever then you've made fifty or a hundred mil off those players  for that month anyway. 


    And honestly they could have done the same thing that aws and spatial os do with their OWN server clusters.  They're already paying for a bunch of servers (or running them themselves) so they could have written the server code so that each server helps where its needed, so that zones can be cut down into smaller and smaller clusters as more ppl pack in, etc.  Instead they've got most of their servers sitting their with their proverbial thumbs up their butts doing nothing while the spawn area servers lose their shit constantly and the login servers.... don't exist because they have the map servers handle that instead of having A SINGLE FREAKING LOW POWER SERVER to handle logins.  Which is why most of us can't get in right now, because the game can't communicate with the server that's holding our player data, and there's no option to just create a new player without already being in world. 

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