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Posts posted by ThunderGod97

  1. So one thing that needs to be patched in is the calculation of land claims needs to include sea claims that overlap land. We all know that sea claims are the preferred way to go since they cover a MUCH larger area. People are going to get around the land claim thing by claiming sea claims instead to raise their declaim time.

    Also, how is it that a company with 175 land claims (according to their flag) has a declaim timer of 20+ hours?

  2. 1 minute ago, Messiro said:

    Me and my girlfriend headed out the last days and we found so much free land, big companys are taking over them cause people are not really looking for it.
    Run around with F1, walk over all the circles, try to place the flag between them, look everywhere - That way we found like 40 places in like 3 days but we just choose ourself the sweet-spots which were like 11 in the end now and thats more we are able to handle i think.

    There is land, a lot of, take it as a adventure, raise your discoveries by looking for them and maybe you'll find your dream island that way, where you will often travel to, to get one spot you want one day!

    Exactly what I've been doing. Didn't find the F1 shortcut until today when someone mentioned it....been using the emote wheel or whatever it is to bring up the wheel and select place flag. Discoveries are at 71 points so far (max level 54)....could be higher but I haven't stopped and set foot on a lot of islands, just checking from the boat.


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  3. 21 minutes ago, Meditate said:

    To put this in perspective, I just delete a whole island that we didn't use accept for taxing resources maybe. 15+ flags didn't even change 1 min. you guys are welcome to join me and make use of these claims with but im not giving anything up despite my weekend warrior company.


    To put it in perspective, your main base probably takes up more land than all the land I've been able to secure in lawless with my buildings. I've done a small bit of foundation claiming for areas I know I want to build on (very small amount compared to other companies I've seen near me foundation claiming land that I've also seen with claims in non-lawless). That's on hold while I look to try to claim land with these new patches. You losing 15 claims and only 1 minute, really doesn't bother me...considering I have zero currently and have been sailing for days trying to find a spot for 1.

  4. 2 minutes ago, awakatanka said:

    Must the player be active in that claim? Else it will not help at all.  Players with claims will claim more to have a longer time.  The neighbors will steal the claim and players that have none will still get almost none.

    Make claims squares that can not overlap other people's claim and not bubbles that can  overlap. 

    You get less declaim time when you claim more...not more.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Archsenex said:

    Honestly, the Lower bound should be LESS than 3 days.  The whole point was to get people to voluntarily shed land that was more than they could possibly be using.  If the protection isn't long enough for you, let somebody else have a scrap.

    more than 50 claims....should be 24 hours...that would free up some land. Saw unused land I was watching (nothing built on it, 67 flags total) go from just under 2 days to 19 days with this patch...no hope to get that form them.

    The aim for PVE should be less than 50 claims....have more than that you lose them quickly, less and the declaim timer goes up with the smallest number of flags being weeks.

  6. 1 minute ago, Lillywen said:

    lots of people have land for rent and such. my company has some land on c3 and b2 we can rent off. 

    I can understand renting off land that is near your main base....but the practice that needs to go is capturing other land separate from your main claims just to rent it off to people late to the server.

  7. 7 minutes ago, watnheld said:

    You do know that before the change the timer was at 48 hours for everyone, no matter the size of your company?


    You mean you tried to claim more land after they fixed the flag timers or before that? 

    The first change was totally dumb, I bet a lot of people lost their bases cause they werent online for 2 days. To base it on the ammount of flags makes more sense. 

    If you are at 4 days now, it sounds reasonable to me. In lawless sectors you also dont get more time to be inactive.

    I was trying to claim after they set it to 2 days....but I was also aware that weekenders may lose bases simply because of that declaim time. So I wasn't trying to claim anything that looked like the people had been inactive for only a short time...only stuff where all crew gone, all tames dead sort of thing. That shows true inactivity. With that I only found one base that allowed declaiming, but that base was obviously still active recently, so I didn't try to declaim.

    This patch makes a lot more sense. It'll free up land from those who overclaimed (still plenty will have entire islands claimed though) and give people a chance who just need to take a little time off.

  8. 6 minutes ago, watnheld said:

    You do know that before the change the timer was at 48 hours for everyone, no matter the size of your company?


    And it was still a pain to find any land that I could actually place a flag down to claim. Searched for about 30 zones and only found one piece of land that allowed me to contest. Saw a wolf still alive so I didn't claim it though. The people had obviously just not played this week...probably weekenders I'm guessing.

    I'm looking to contest, but not looking to contest people who look to be active somewhat recently. Crew members still alive (they'll contest anyway) or tames still alive mean they are just taking a small break and aren't inactive.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Meditate said:

    We used to be 14 people. Now only a handful play. When we first started we all sailed out and started claiming, not hard to rack up over 50.


    And that's one of the main problems with the state of PVE Official right now...people overclaiming more than they need. Liking the looks of this patch. Maybe I'll finally be able to grab some land now. Have ZERO flags right now and living on lawless where I fight the demolish timers to expand (demolishing single foundations).

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  10. So what's the right number? A week, 2 weeks, 10 days, 5 days? You have a group of people who got in the game and overly claimed land and won't give it up. Then you have everyone else (probably the majority) living in lawless or on their boat and trying to find something to claim. Those people are playing a game that doesn't really progress. Shouldn't they be able to play the game too...on official?

    The turnover needs to be high so that those who are dedicated to playing the game have a fair shot at actually playing and progressing, and those who don't, lose their claims. 5 days is probably a good number. If you take a vacation...it's on you if you want to keep your claim. It's not on the devs to cater to your vacation....it's on them to make sure everyone can enjoy the game. And for the people who are searching for some spot...they aren't enjoying the game. They shouldn't have to go to unofficial to enjoy the game.


    -Consider an official single player option...it would solve this problem for a lot of people.

    -Limit claims per person and require something significant to get more with maybe a max of like 3 per person. Want more land? Grow your company. Right now anyone can just have how ever much land they are able to grab....and people are greedy and don't want to share (most people at least). Or they want to take advantage of other people...claim all the land and tax the hell out of people.

    -require visiting your claims to actually keep the upkeep going. Just logging in should not reset the timer on all claims.

    -Beyond 1 flag per person you should have to pay gold to upkeep. 1st one is free...beyond that, you need to sink gold into it to maintain that claim of your's. So a company of 10 could have 10 claims for free...and if they need more...they can pay to keep them.

    Limits need to be put in place so that people don't want to overclaim or are overburdened when they do it...so that others can enjoy the game too.

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