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Everything posted by SouthSideChicago

  1. Lmao. I can't get it out of my head. This @Realist kid has spent all this time on these forums, 1175+ POSTS MADE, and hasn't even created a character and got to level 2! If you were to ask every single player who's actually PLAYED THE GAME, what they think is the single biggest problem that Atlas faces today.....toxicity within the player base would be way up towards the top of the list. It's so bad that the devs actually had to completely revamp the game, not only because of the bugs/exploits, but because of the fact that there were so many people crying about so many different things that they were pretty much forced to make improvements to appease the complainers. They even admitted it themselves. People are going to say, it's the devs fault because they suck.....or it's still in early access. Bullshit. Wake Up. You can look right now at almost every single thread that's been made since this forum was originated and you can see for yourself. PvE this, PvP that, Mega's are the worst. chinese are doing....blah blah blah. FFS take a look at the title of this thread. It should read "Hey devs im an attention whore so listen to me" The crying is at a whole new level. It's as toxic as it gets. Now what do you think of @Realist? Agree or disagree with me all you want, idgaf, but the fact is when you post that much negativity in such a short period of time, and you've never played the game....you are 100% a part of the problem.
  2. Does anyone else find it odd that Realist is close to 1200 posts but he's never played this game?
  3. Realist. Look at you man. You're closing in on 1,200 posts here and you haven't even played this game once! WTF How is anyone supposed to believe a word you say? Why are you even here?
  4. Ok buddy, don't know where this whole age thing came from but whatever. The whole reason i asked about discord was because of shit just like this. you can't be direct at all. it's just blanket statements and criticisms one after the other. I just wanted to hear you explain what makes you think all megas are lazy, and are trash, and everything else. It's all good tho. Didn't mean to offend you by asking you talk instead of type. Stay in your safe space.
  5. Nah man, i just want to hear your voice crack when i confront you about things you've said. No yelling, or screaming, none of that. but if not, that's fine. pretty much what i expected.
  6. I'd like to hear you talk like that in discord. gotta mic? or you just keyboard warrior til 1.5?
  7. Ok, that's fair. I never played ark so i can't comment.But I just want to clear this up to make sure i'm understand you correctly....you never played atlas? but since you played ark and know all about mega tribes, you're sure they are the reason for all the problems the devs are having?
  8. i understand that it happens. I'm not saying it doesn't. Some people feel the need to shit on the little guys just because they can while they sail past a random island. I just find it odd that nobody can tell me who and where this "constantly" happens? I mean if that happened to me, the 1st thing i would do is find out who it was. I had someone PM here about my posts recently saying "you are not wrong about what you say but people don't like the fact that you are sticking up for the megas." I can respect that. I'll try to look at things from both perspectives more often....but can people like the OP and countless others do the same? hell no.
  9. Interesting. a few things tho....i've read many times people complaining about not being able to find land so they are forced to pay tax and live on the large company islands. where are these islands you speak of that you've never seen another player? arctics? maybe O-15? just curious. i dont think theres a rule saying you cant mention the names of companies that grief you or whatever...i could be wrong. i also understand if you dont want to mention names either..im fine with that. but was it a company in the top 5-10-15? again, just wondering..not saying you're lying because i know it happens...but i dont think its a major problem like i've heard.
  10. wrong about what tho dude? im not tryin to fight or argue with you...just explain what you mean so i know what im wrong about.
  11. 95% of the time that im on Atlas, i'm solo or with one or 2 other guys. Either taming, doing maps, whatever. I can't understand why so many people here think "mega" companies roll around in 1 big group shitting on everyone and "they are everything that's wrong with this game"? Maybe there are companies that do shitty things all the time, i don't know, but not 1 person has said which one and what exactly did they do? Everyone is getting more impatient as the days keep going by...i get it....but if you're going to spend this downtime here complaining...at least be honest and give details besides spewing blanket, bullshit opinions. There are MANY people like me that will go out of their way to help solo players or small groups. 2 weeks or so before they announced the wipe, i heard some french group got raided and lost everything on O-12. I went over and spoke to 1 of them and he showed me their main base. It got wrecked but he didn't know who did it. I tossed the guy 15k, gave him the kits i had on my brig, and my discord info. The prick loved me and still messages me even tho i havent logged in for weeks.
  12. Diplomacy is for players with low HP and cloth armor.
  13. Fact. I knew that instantly just by reading the title of this thread. It's 9pm now so his mom definitely read him a bedtime story and tucked him by now.
  14. This might be the dumbest shit i've ever seen on any Atlas forum ever created. You must of gotten raided over and over and just can't seem to accept the fact that YOU are the one that sucks. You use BLDX as an example to represent large companies? That itself shows your intelligence. I've disagreed and had conversations on this forum about many things, with many different people. but this shit here...i can already tell that there is no hope for a civil conversation. All i've done while PvP'ing was fight other large companies. Sometimes with just a group of 4 to be on the sneak tip, sometimes 10-12 to make a little dent overall or hit someone in particular real hard, but as far as zerging lol....i can count on 1 hand the amount of times we took everyone we could and all of us went to 1 zone to fight....and guess what? It sucked. Lagfest+1. There will always be crybabies like this guy who have every solution to every problem and if you don't agree...well then you are just trash blah blah blah. Maybe next time you decide to make a post like this, stop and think before you type. Do you really understand what it is you're talking about? or are you just so angry that you feel the need to talk down to a huge part of the community? You can't just make blanket statements like this and expect anyone to take you seriously.
  15. pretty accurate. the best solution i found was to anchor close to other ships not owned by leaders/admins lol. I don't know about other company's policies but it's mandatory that we have npc defenses on every ship. Medium cannons w/explosive barrels worked well but at the end of the day, if you don't have anyone online at all defending, it doesn't really matter...your shit is going to sink. I actually enjoyed figuring out how to bust into bases. The rewards were sometimes amazing and it helped me learn more about building my own. Found my 1st legendary large speed sail BP from cstg on K-4.
  16. This is true 100%. but think about it for a second. What i was saying was when do you see large companies go after random's with bear cannons just to shit on them? maybe some do...i dont know...but i know for fact my company didnt do bitch shit like that. I'd like to invite anyone who plays on na pvp server to come visit my base on N-12 and take a look how i have my auto defense setup..It's not perfect but Liquid Flame is more OP than ya think. if a group of 4-5 people came with bear cannons...eventually they would be able to get in, but not gain access to main resource chest and other valuables. Meshing was a real thing in this game.and so was building on top of cliffs/mountains. nothing is unpenetratable in this game, but isn't that the way its supposed to be?
  17. I'm just different than you i guess. I respect all video gamers to be honest....and wtf does twitter have to do with anything? lol
  18. What about auto defenses is confusing you? Do you think they don't exist? or maybe you have never seen them? You ever mess with NPC's on puckles, medium cannons,etc? I also don't quite understand what you meant by "I not only played to the end I am still playing and I saw the empty islands owned by the megas all over the map" played til the end of what? and empty islands owned by megas? You mean right now? or before they announced the wipe? I'm sorry you are so angry. Instead of cussing and typing gibberish, how about you either PM me here, jump on discord with me, or just try explaining what you mean with a little more detail.
  19. Easy question to answer. Personally, I don't think of ANY players, friend or foe, as a "shitty or a good" player at first. It starts by respecting them because you just don't know. Have to be ready. You engage in a fight, do something unpredictable, and see how they react. Example: Most recently O-12. Dynasty had spent the prior few days invading us on N-12 with little to no success. They went to O-12 to setup a FoB and caught the people living there slackin. They moved in and smashed/burned/sank everything they could and began building a base and defenses. The next day we had a quick meeting, drew up a strat, and headed over. It didn't take fuckin 5 minutes before i saw a group of 3 Dynasty members on the south side of the island claiming the flags on the hill. Being the slick prick that i am, i quickly shot 1 in the body and dipped around the backside of the hill to get my flank game on. About 45 seconds later i found all 3 of them laying prone on the top corner of the hill pointing their carbines in the same direction. Right then i knew, these guys should've stuck to pac-man because i'm about to shit on em. Easy kills, shitty players. I moved north towards their main FoB feeling unstoppable. I spotted the hill past their mortars where they were sniping from and gliding off of so i looked around for a spot to snipe. I looked to my left and i saw Utma and a few of his cronies. I turned the fuck around and zig-zagged my ass as fast i could away. Once safe, i decided that imma flank these bitches too. Well this time it was a mistake. Once i got past the mortars undetected and looked up the mountain, he was standing right there...swinging that god damn bola right in front of me. At that point i was just hoping he didn't take me alive and stick me in a cage. He didn't. I went straight back and fought them for the next 2-3 hours and it was fun. I'm pretty sure i died a different way 5-6 times. good shots, good sword skills...i think it was that spinning slash, shit ton of Hp...and most importantly..at least to me, great shit talk because he could.
  20. People who left the NA PvP server because of offlining were soft, and as a matter of fact, it was small companies that were doing most of the offlining anyway. I understand that it sucks to lose all your shit and not even be able to defend it but that means your auto-defenses were trash. I highly doubt people left the game after they got offline raided just once. So those who continually got offlined never learned. You don't have to join a 400+ member company, but you better of joined up with at least another small group or 2 to prevent it from happening again. It's a good thing to meet people in this game. Lastly, i still see a lot of people shit talking about large companies and to me it's the funniest stuff to read because they are so wrong, and dumb at the same time. Large companies don't go out and zerg smaller companies and "leave islands barren" lmao. Maybe the 40-100 player companies did, but that's because they want to get bigger. But as far as the top 5-6 companies, thats horseshit. If they got attacked by a smaller group then of course, they bring a nice size group and demolish them back but 20x worse... but they do not just go out and say hey, lets take this land and leave the island barren men!
  21. nice chuck and i hear you there. i play with church and them in the federation. i remember the very 1st week i shit on zonda so bad. must of sunk 2 gally's and 5-6 brigs, killed countless tames, and popcorned 80k gold and about 40k metal. The very next day church, jedi, and this one girl, i forget her name but i think she was an original fed, literally scolded me saying the same thing. you cant attack them just because you want to. If we were to do that all the time we wont last on this server a week. Being an absolute asshole to any kind of authority, i said fuck that noise im goin back and filling up my boat with as much shit as i can again. well they didnt like that at all. the next week we settled things down and everyday since, we are in discord together. 90% of the time i play with 4-5 people although the company is 500+. i hate zergs, fuckin lagfest. I dont farm anything except when i need food to get more high lvl razortooths. Solo, or very small groups, is always the most fun way to play the game.
  22. That's fact. I was right in the middle of all that. It was getting real good actually until TPG came with the dragon. I remember going back and forth with some guy name Utma and Peter sexhaver for a long time. We must of killed each other a half dozen times and it seemed like each time was different.
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