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Posts posted by mizunami

  1. Just now, MpGDeluxe said:

    I try out the Sail shit in the next Hour. Just give me some time and ill do a tutorial for it, too 🙂

    awesome. i downloaded this one program for the ark templates, but of course they dont work with sails cuz template isn't there. was able to use it and remove colors for the flag though atleast

  2. there is a building called taxation house or somethign like that ((forget actual name but tax is in it)) the mechanic is to have tht built, and then peopel can build on your land and pay you for it. ..dotn think many people have done it yet...was gonan practice but ..gave up alot of my claim area to just sail aroudn and meet people 

  3. they aren't meant to, just like in eve, corporations claim mass amounts of space, and sucks to be you if you cant. its a cut throat type of mmo. the only difference is here they have a pve server. again, if you cant claim land, then ask to use land. give tiem for those who have claims to buidl them up, and have things that peopel can use there. hell  my plan was to build up a few dry docks, etc etc, let people use them, and do what they will, along with services and lodging, and even places for little town tenants to build permanent areas. its part of the way they designed this game. get used to it. sorry for sounding rude about it but its true. evolve...adapt

  4. You guys are missing the simple fact, you dont NEED land claim. you can build in the lawless areas with no land claim, seen people doing it. the goal is for those that do go out and claim areas to build ports and towns and such for people to go dock in, trade with people, etc etc. They already said they are trying to make an mmo survival game. this isn't ark. while yes land claimign over  someones already claimed land is stupid and shoudl be fixed, claimign big areas is intentional and people should learn to actually try to play like they care about a mmo and its economy in game

  5. i think the underlying issue is how you are choosing to respawn. So when you select your home region, every time you respawn you also select which island you want to . N, S, E, W. Pay attention to which one you want to spawn on. also this game is actually very playable. most of us went through the lag fest to get out of the startign areas. server loads and bugs are all about early access...if you dont like stuff like that..dont play. or do, and complain, i mean its your money. But at least please give your complains in a nice constructive criticism

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